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Harry Potter #6 Discussion (spoilers) (1 Viewer)

Chuck Anstey

Nov 10, 1998
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Chuck Anstey
As an aside, what do you think of the people in the portraits? Are they the person right when they died and they go on "living" in the portrait or is it more of an overall persona put in the painting? Do you expect the Dumbledore portrait to tell Harry that he wanted Snape to kill him because that was part of the plan, assuming Dumbledore wanted to tell Harry?

Personally I think they are just an overall persona of the person being portayed, not the actual person with all their memories. So far none of the portraits have been consulted for their opinion or interviewed about their life. I would expect the Dumbledore portrait to talk in generalities about family, the school, and things are not always as they appear.


Supporting Actor
Jul 31, 1997
I think HP is a decent leader when he wants to be. However, he is just a 16 year old. Not too many 16 year olds were exceptional leaders (Alexander the Great perhaps). I think that previously with Dumbledore in the picture HP was able to take a backseat in the leadership arena. I think now that they are gearing up for the final conflict, HP will step up. He is certainly not inept in Defense against the Dark Arts (the one subject in which he received an outstanding OWL) and Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna are definitely his most loyal classmates. I think HP's teenage angst will take a backseat to the 7th book storyline as HP is forced to step up into the leadership role that Dumbledore has been grooming him for.



Chuck Mayer

Senior HTF Member
Aug 6, 2001
Northern Virginia
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Chuck Mayer
It comes down to friendship, not leadership. Voldemort's a good leader. Harry has people who love him and would die for him. Just as he would die for them. That's the big difference. Rowling has beat us over the head with that disparity.

Snape...I don't know if Snape makes it. The scenes between Harry and Snape are going to be extremely good, I believe. They have a lot to go over.

As for Draco, he was no coward. He simply wasn't a killer...just boy in a situation bigger than him, trying to save his family, and exposed to his excesses for the first time. He could go either way. But Dumbledore intentionally saved him. That was what their conversation was about. Saving Malfoy.

Take care,


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 1997
While I do agree that Harry's friends will be there at the end, I can't help but think that Draco and Snape will turn against Tom and have something big to do with his demise.

Not necessarily because I think either needs to be [or should be] redeemed (although Snape is more sympathetic to me as a reader than Malfoy, who was a rubber-stamp nemesis for Harry for all of Books 1-5 and most of 6), but because I think Dumbledore's faith in both of them will be proven correct.

JKR will show why Dumbledore has had faith in Snape for all of this time (I refuse to believe that even Snape and his skill at Occlumency could have hoodwinked Dumbledore), and that last line I quoted from Dumbledore to Draco and Draco lowering his wand, will also prove telling.

Dome Vongvises

Senior HTF Member
May 13, 2001

Somebody had to say it. :)

I've blazed through the first two books, and the one thing I've noticed that the latter two books don't do is unnecessarily repeat themselves. It just seems weird that Rowling keeps repeating that Harry is a special boy. Prisoner of Azkaban is excellent.

Dome Vongvises

Senior HTF Member
May 13, 2001
I'm reading through the book a second time, and having read the previous five does indeed enrich the experience. Of course, it's taken me about two weeks. I don't know if anybody would be interested, but iTunes has a Podcast of the Mugglenet.com people.

Raasean Asaad

Supporting Actor
Sep 23, 2002
I think Harry has proven to be a good leader, he's shown it in both Quidditch and starting and basically leading the D.A. He also has gotten the respect and admiration of everyone in the OOTP.

Ray H

Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Believe it or not, I put off reading this until a few days ago despite purchasing the book when it came out. Nice to read through all the posts with theories all laid out for me! :)


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 1997
Well he's already "back" in the form of that painting in the headmistresses office (though he was asleep). Judging by the way the other portraits talk, his essential personality will be there for Harry to talk to in Book 7.


Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 2001
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Just been rereading / listening to order of the phoenix for the second time (HP makes commuting so much faster) and something jumped out at me that I hadn't seen before on Leaky Cauldron.

Neville's Gran knew Voldemort would come back (according to Neville this is why they believe Harry), and Rowling later describes her as a formiddable looking witch (I'm thinking more Mcgonagal here). So I wonder if they live in or near Godric's Hollow or that she might be a surprising source of info about one or more of the Horcruxes. True many wizards are said to have suspected Voldemort was never quite dead and still something of a presence to be feared (so no saying his name) but those people tend to be written without the degree of surety Rowling reserves for Gran.

Also on Neville, Dumbledore makes a special point that the most important thing Neville has done was standing up to Harry Ron and Hermione in book 1, I wonder what sort of Parallel we're going to get to that in book 7, because I think there will be one.



Stunt Coordinator
Jul 26, 2006
Real Name
Tom Veryal

Too many cooks spoil the broth ;). Now watch me write this out.

Does it really matter? Hermione has a time turner.
She will simply go back and have an "Excellent Adventure" resulting in Dumbledore and everyone else being alright and then she will save Harry from the 25 different ways he tries to die against Voldemort who is really Harry's father and Harry will love Voldemort for Harry and him are the same and we all know that there is no love like self-love and I am really just trying to keep this sentence going ..cough.. and that's it.
I hope Ron's dad dies and the Malfoys take them in. That Weasley family needs some magical tubes tied, but there will be one horcrux left and that will be Harry and his scar and then he will jump into Voldemort who will explode in blinding green light barely just in time before the bus goes under 65 and is ready to explode at which time Neo will swoop down from the skies .. wait no that's another story, but Harry will have to kill himself with Voldemort in order to finally defeat him, but Voldemort's spirit will linger on and jump into a cat and then the narrator will explain that this was all a story of when he "almost" dies.

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