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Am I the only one who notice the 2003 Yammy recievers are an EXCELLENT value!(long) (1 Viewer)

Kelly Scott Rickards

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 26, 2000
I just looked at the new Widescreen Review snippet on the new Yamaha Recievers and I must say Yamaha seems to be offering value pricing on their new recievers:

The article mentions that *ALL 6* recievers have DTS ES decoding (doesn't mention if its matrix or discrete, but I think its both)and DPL2, plus the new 32-bit YSS-938 Yamaha DSP(this chip does all the decoding)...

Look at the pricing:

The flagship RX-Z1 has an MSRP of 2799, which is cheaper than its RX-V1 predessessor was when it was introduced, I believe. This is also on the lower end of the pricing spectrum for a flagship reciever and it is not out of the question to think that the RX-Z1 could have a street price of 16-1800 dollars, Denon 4802 territory...

The RX-V3200 has an MSRP of 1599 and has most of the features of the RX-Z1 (it lacks some of the ins/out, watts per channel, and the Pronto-esque LCD touchscreen remote seen on the RX-Z1)

Lower down the line is where I see the value REALLY kick in


DPL2, DTS ES, 80watts x 6 channels, 32-bit YSS-938 yamaha DSP chip, 96/24 DACs

MSRP: $599


DPL2, DTS ES, 80watts x 6 channels, 32-bit YSS-938 yamaha DSP chip, 96/24 DACs(lacks the OSD, Phono in and LCD window on the remote of the RX-V730)

MSRP: $499


DPL2, DTS ES, 80watts x 5 channels(one channel fewer than the RX-V630,V730,ect), 32-bit YSS-938 yamaha DSP chip, 96/24 DACs

MSRP: $399


DPL2, DTS ES, 80watts x 5 channels, 32-bit YSS-938 yamaha DSP chip, 96/24 DACs(has fewer ins and outs than the RX-V530)

MSRP: $299

Now the WR article doesn't mention it, but since they all share the same DSP as the RX-Z1, it is possible the entire line will also include DDEX,DTS ES matrix & discrete decoding and DTS Neo:6 processing....

I say this because the WR article SPECIFICALLY mentions they *all* feature the YSS-938 DSP. According to this PDF brochure on the RX-V3200:http://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/prod...fo/rxv3200.pdf

That DSP chip does all the above decoding/processing in these Yamaha recievers....

If my hunch turns out to be true, that would mean:

The $599 MSRP on the 6.1 channel RX-V730(with similar features) is 200 bucks less than the DENON AVR-2802 MSRP($799)

The $499 MSRP on the 6.1 channel RX-V630 is LESS than the *STREET* price of the similarly-featured Denon AVR 2802 (over 500 dollars online)

The RX-V530 has an MSRP only a few dollars more than the *STREET* price of an Onkyo 595 or Denon 1802, not to mention, unlike those 2, the RX-V530 can decode DTS ES and DDEX, plus it has DTS Neo:6

Not only does the RX-V430 have an MSRP around the same as the *STREET* price of the Denon 1602 (plus the added decoding the 1602 lacks), if this thing also has preouts, you will be able to buy it for less than *HALF* the price of an H/K AV520 and use the RX-V430 as a pre/pro with more decoding facilities than the Harmon Kardon unit!!!! In other words,can you say: "A $200 Outlaw 950 preamp???" [I knew you could ;)]

Don't forget, it is possible Yamaha will offer an HTR line of some of these recievers which could mean they would be EVEN CHEAPER!!!

I understand these are alot of *ifs*, but I feel the possibilities are enticing, nonetheless, and I can't wait to get more details....

I hope this starts a price war with the usual suspects (Onkyo, Denon, H/K, Marantz, et al) :D

Bill Will

Dec 26, 2001
I'm with you, LET'S SEE A PRICE WAR! I know I will take a look at these new Yammy receivers, Thanks.

Kelly Scott Rickards

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 26, 2000
I found the WR article online:
NOTE:All these reciever may decode the new DTS 96/24 DVD format as well!!!
Yamaha RX-V3200 Receiver

Yamaha RX-V730 Receiver

Yamaha RX-V630 Receiver

Yamaha RX-V530 Receiver

Yamaha RX-V430 Receiver

Bill Bradstreet

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 7, 2001
This sounds great! I was hoping the Z1 wouldn't be too far over $3k... I'm shocked it is less. I figured I'd settle for the 3200. ;-) I stopped by the local hi-fi store I patronize. Their top-of-line room used to have an RX-V1 in it. They had a 3000 instead. I thought that was interesting...no reason to show off the flagship? either 1) too expensive for people to actually buy or 2) the 3000 is good enough to show that Yamaha rocks.

The one big thing that the Z1 has over the 3200 looks like the 192kHz/24-bit DACs and a little bit of power.

I can see it now. The RX-V430 is a perfect option for my master bedroom. Heck! at that price it is a perfect option for my garage!!

Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
Kelly- Any news about the crossover freqs?
I've had Yamaha in the past, but now a Sony pre/pro. But I've recently been "researching" Yamaha's and Denon's current line for pre/pro use. I probably could go for the 3200 in that my price range would be in the $800-1000 street range.
But I've been leaning towards the Denon 3802 because of the fixed 90 Hz crossover of the RX-V1200/2200...
Thanks for the info, BTW! :)
Actually, kind of strange that they'd announce these buggers so soon to the 1200/2200 coming out...
Home Theater receivers are becoming just like computers: obsolete even before you get them home from the store and hooked up. :D


Stunt Coordinator
Oct 7, 2001
don't want to be a party pooper or anything, but i do just want to point out one thing. just because they all use the same DSP doesn't mean all the features of that DSP will be available on all models. it's happened before, and I wouldn't be too surprised to see Yamaha doing the same in order to differentiate the different models at different price points.
with that said, i sure do hope that the lower end models are impressive as they sound. that's serious motivation to upgrade right there ;)

Bill Bradstreet

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 7, 2001
Regarding Yamaha and pricing... here's a theory...

Yamaha developed the majority of their DSPs 5-8 years ago. If they haven't had to go back and do tons of R&D on these for awhile they MAY have recoup'd their cost by now. If this is the case, it could explain why they are lower their prices to be more competitive.

It could be that they had a long-term strategy to get a good product developed and now they are going to lower the price without hurting their overall margins (lower expensives right?).

Just a theory...

Lee L

Supporting Actor
Oct 26, 2000
When will these 2003 receivers be out. Yamaha barely and incompletely acknoledges the latest receivers (RXV 1200 and HTR 5490) on their website.

Bill Bradstreet

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 7, 2001
I've already played with the 1200 & 2200 at retail. The 3200 is supposed to be out in January according to press releases

Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
Bill- I would somewhat add to your theory on Yamaha DSP, that it's the *algorythms* that were developed years ago (based on the measurements in the venues themselves), and that the *effectiveness* of getting the intent of the real sound across to us end users keeps gets better with each new iteration of the chips.
I did check the PDF file on the 3200, and :frowning: no mention of crossovers...


Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2001
I suspect that the bass management setting is going to continue to be 90hz. Why? There was no mention in the features list of an adjustable BM setting and you can be sure if they implemented one they'd mention it. That means either they missed it in the information release or that it remains fixed at 90hz. If it IS still fixed then it's highly likely that Yamaha still believes that 90hz is the correct setting for redirecting bass.

I really want an adjustable setting from Yamaha. I hope that they eventually follow Denon's lead.

Bill Bradstreet

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 7, 2001
Exactly... I figured it could go without saying that their chips keeping getting better... increased processing power for the DSPs is what makes them better each iteration. I imagine they do tweak the DSP algorithms year after year too in an attempt to get things more realistic. I just doubt that they have to incur the cost of setting up shop in a church to take tons of measurements (wouldn't that be a cool job though? -- I really think they need to get soundings from Australia or some other place I've always wanted to go.).

Randy Prue

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 29, 2001
About the 90 Hz crossover. Is this the freq. at which it sends the signal to the sub-woofer?

I assume that you can turn off the cross-over, since the pre-out to the sub continues to work (or it does on my H-K AVR520, regardless of whether you use the receiver's crossover setting control).

Since the V1200 also has pre-amps out, could you not take the two fronts pre-out, into the sub-woofer, use its cross-over, and then back into the front speakers?

Kelly Scott Rickards

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 26, 2000

Keep in mind, Yamaha was very late to the DPL2 table...

Perhaps they were holding off until they could deliver a single DSP that could decode DTS ES/DPL2,ect(the YSS-938 )....

By waiting that extra year, they now can offer the DSP chip on the entire line and reap the benefits of economies of scale....

I mean the appeal of a Yamaha reciver with DPL2, DTS 96/24, DTS ES discrete and matrix and DTS Neo:6 with an MSRP of 299 dollars is pretty high, IMO (street price could be under 200 dollars!!)

Should be intresting to see how Yammys competitors will answer to this new pricing strategy....

LEE: the WR article mentions the RX-V3200 will be out in Feb., the RX-Z1 will be out in April and the rest of the line is due out in March..

Jim Thompson

May 18, 1999
I've been a long Yamaha fan,but had lost a little faith

in the past year or so.I have been contemplating a Denon 4802 as the upgrade for my Yamaha RX-V 2095.However,I might have to wait for these new Yamhas to see.I think that if the

feature lists for these new models hold to be true at their

price ranges,that it must be an attempt to get back at Denon,their major rival.There can be no doubt that Denon has kicked some but the last year.

Randy Prue

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 29, 2001
I went to see the V1200 today, and listen to it. It does indeed crossover at a fixed 90 Hz. I don't think that would stop me from buying it.

If I use a sub, I can always send both fronts into the sub, and let it cross over. It's nice to have it variable, but...
Dec 14, 2000

I mean the appeal of a Yamaha reciver with DPL2, DTS 96/24, DTS ES discrete and matrix and DTS Neo:6 with an MSRP of 299 dollars is pretty high, IMO (street price could be under 200 dollars!!)

Careful about the DTS 96/24-part. As far as I can see, this is only case for the RZ1/AZ1, and not the lower-end receivers.

Royce H

Stunt Coordinator
Mar 10, 2001
Dang! This complicates matters a bit! I love my old HTR-5150, but wanted 6.1 decoding on a budget, so was looking hard at the Denon 2802. Now I've gotta wait until the new Yamahas come out and people start reviewing them. It never ends, does it? ;)

Kelly Scott Rickards

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 26, 2000
Royce, if you are looking for a Denon 2802, keep this quote I made in mind;

The $599 MSRP on the 6.1 channel RX-V730(with similar features) is 200 bucks less than the DENON AVR-2802 MSRP($799)

The $499 MSRP on the 6.1 channel RX-V630 is LESS than the *STREET* price of the similarly-featured Denon AVR 2802 (over 500 dollars online)



Dec 7, 2001
Hmmm...That 730 is looking quite attractive as long as it's got good sound and a good component video switcher. If so, I'd say it would definitely hold its own vs. the Denon 2802 or Onkyo 696.

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