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  1. K

    Bones, season 4

    I think overall I dislike this season finale more than last year's- while I absolutely HATE last season's reveal that Zach was involved with Gormogon, it at least was a good episode otherwise. This finale was totally uninteresting- once I realized that this was a dream/alternate reality, I lost...
  2. K

    Bones, season 4

    Thanks; while I figured his record wasn't exemplary I missed where they stated that, and given that he stated to Bones that while Seely was a guy to go out on a limb for someone, he wasn't like that, I wasn't sure- thought it was possible he was a by-the-book kind of officer.
  3. K

    Bones, season 4

    Hey, I have a question before tonight's episode- could someone with military experience comment on whether what happened to Jared (sp) - dishonorable discharge - was accurate or not? It just seems to me that if he had an exemplary record and his lone offense was due to trying to save his brother...
  4. K

    Bones, season 4

    I agree with this; given how Brennan is usually very open about her thoughts, if she was aware of her feelings, she'd made it known by now. Booth, on the other hand, doesn't want to jepordize the working relationship, so he burys his feelings.
  5. K

    Bones, season 4

    So, from the episode last night, am I to take it that Sweets was beaten (whipped) before 6 years old? I'm no expert on scars, but I would expect scars from THAT long ago, would be a lot fainter. Also, given what Booth said at the end, does that mean James Garner will appear as his...
  6. K

    Bones, season 4

    I agree. The whole episode was taken up a notch with the final scene of Booth and the 'stud'. Shows Booth as a true 'white hat', and there are few of those on network TV. I was a bit surprised about how sudden they resolved the Angela/Roxy storyline. I figured there'd be more of a discussion...
  7. K

    Bones, season 4

    What is it with the Bones writers that they can come up with excellent serial killer storylines only to have them peter out with the reveal?! Not a bad show; had some good elements - Hodgin's reactions, finding out how Parker got his name, Jared stepping up for his brother, but Gravedigger...
  8. K

    Bones, season 4

    Darnit, Joseph, here you go and reword my post in such a way, that it's concise, understandable, and quite frankly, just better. I say Darnit, Joseph!
  9. K

    Bones, season 4

    I like it. He can be scary and that gives legitimacy to his character. I think his statement to Sweets sums it up very well, "I've killed, but I've never murdered. There's a difference!" I see Booth as a 'boy scout' or a 'white hat' character. He (for the most part) follows the rules - even...
  10. K

    Bones, season 4

    While I'm sure in reality, if Booth was a prime suspect in a murder that he wouldn't be involved in the investigation aspect of the case, I really liked that episode. I hope we see that agent again, and possible involvement with Booth. The circus episode had some funny lines in it - not to...
  11. K

    Bones, season 4

    Thought I'd mention it here, but season 3 is out on DVD today!
  12. K

    Bones, season 4

    I thought it was great - showing that Bones isn't just some CSI-light type of show. The Booths' storyline was deep and thoughtful. Loved the whole episode - Booth being all Jack Ryan/"white hat", Brennan thinking he sabotages his success, and realizing later it's for more important reasons...
  13. K

    Bones, season 4

    And at the end of the episode, he asked her out over the phone - which I thought was the case, but had forgotten. As far as moving the show around - I do know that in the past it was a tactic used by networks to deal with shows that had a decent, but not great following and wanted to get rid...
  14. K

    Bones, season 4

    Fridays would have been worse for me as a lot of my TV watching comes from Friday nights. I just wish FOX would figure out a spot for it and then keep it there. This constant moving around gives me the idea that FOX wants to get rid of it. And I agree with mattCR, very few shows have the...
  15. K

    Bones, season 4

  16. K

    Bones, season 4

    I'm betting there were enough fans that were upset with season 3's finale that they've began to set the stage to have him return next season ("60% use of my hands", "I didn't stab him", etc.) Given how easily they freed Brennan's dad (ironic that now Ryan O'Neal has now been arrested) I...
  17. K

    Bones, season 4

    I'm with Holadem on this one, and am glad he wrote it. On a show that deals with murder, on a weekly basis, and often, very VIOLENT murders, the most sympathy in the episode is given to the dog. Not to the human who was literally, ripped apart by said dog, and left to die a slow death by...
  18. K

    Bones, season 4

    Actually, right now it seems they're being very mature. In real life, one of them (most likely Angela) would quit and move away. On TV they usually have the 2 totally avoiding each other, or fighting. Here, at least, they focus on the job, and for a moment, remember what they truly feel for each...
  19. K

    Bones, season 4

    My bad; I'm sorry!
  20. K

    Bones, season 4

    So far it looks like Joseph was right - revolving assistants. While that might provide a few, cheap, laughs, I don't think it adds to the show. Also, they continue to shoehorn in Sweets. It made sense for him to be around later in the episode, but why have him, in a Hasmat suit, during the...
  21. K

    Bones, season 4

    It's short for Zachary. Zach would seem to be the correct spelling. Now, if his name was Zackary.......
  22. K

    Bones, season 4

    I second Patrick's "Ugh". There's no real need for it - there's so much to explore contrasting Angela/Hodgins being married and Bones/Booth not. Not to mention them starting a family. Also, double ugh on Sweets. While he, at times, last season provided some humor, it really seemed like they...
  23. K

    Bones, season 4

    Don't forget, season 4 starts tonight with a 2-hour premier! Bones and Booth go to the U.K. to give seminars and are asked to help with an ongoing case. Also, Bierbaum shows up.