Search results

  1. BruceCannonz

    Need Help choosing a reliable 720p-1080p projector, for Indoor/Outdoor Theater

    Forum Can you please list some reliable durable projectors for indoor/outdoor theater. Mostly will be used for movies and some gaming, i was going to purchase the Optoma HD66 but read reviews about the shelf life being apx 1-2yrs with screen having issues with pixels spreading ..... my budget is...
  2. BruceCannonz

    Please Help! New to this, Need Help with Outdoor Theatre information Projector choice

    First and foremost Hello to all you smart and educated Theatre experts. Thanks for allowing me a forum to gain if just a bit of all your knowledge. I am attempting at creating an Outdoor Theatre and do not know where to start as far as the projector goes. I was told that LED HD was the way to go...