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***Official 24th Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2023*** (1 Viewer)

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

052) 10/20/2023 Island of Lost Souls (1932) 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png

Here's a film that has retained its power to unnerve. How can one not feel chills when hearing the screams from the House of Pain? Charles Laughton is delicious as demented Dr. Moreau who wants to mate one of his created humans with the real thing. Bela Lugosi is the Sayer of the Law, and if not for his voice, might have gone unnoticed. Great finale. (Criterion Blu Ray)

053) 10/20/2023 The Vampire Bat (1933) 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1/2

Lionel Atwill is creating a "blood sponge" with the plasma taken from murdered locals. Everyone think the town idiot Herman (Dwight Frye) is the guilty one. Nicely photographed on the Universal lots, with a cast made up of mostly familiar faces. Atwill would really come into his own in 1933. Fay Wray is in this but I don't think she screams once. (Film Detective BD-R)

054) 10/20/2023 Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png

Twelve years after watching his beloved wax figures burn in a fire, brilliant but demented artist Lionel Atwill opens a new wax museum with a most unusual assortment of exhibits. Reporter Glenda Farrell vows to solve the mystery. Fay Wray screams a lot. As with Doctor X the attempts at comedy mute the horror a bit. But this one is more successful. (Warner Archive Blu Ray)

055) 10/20/2023 Murders in the Zoo (1933) 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png

Jealous Lionel Atwill, who collects exhibits for the local zoo, has a habit of murdering his wife's boyfriends. But after murdering her latest lover, his secret may be discovered. Gruesome chiller unfortunately muted by Charlie Ruggles' "humorous" press agent. But the horror scenes are potent as is the demise of the villain. (Shout! Factory Blu Ray)

056) 10/20/2023 King Kong (1933) 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png 1698774638372.png

Still-impressive monster opus about giant ape that is taken from its native island and brought to New York. Oops. Fay Wray's fifth consecutive horror film is also her best, and boy does she scream her little heart out in this one. (Warner Bros. Blu Ray)

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

057) 10/21/2023 Supernatural (1933) 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png 1/2

Highly contrived possession thriller about executed murderess who borrows Carole Lombard's body to exact revenge. Stylish with some good visuals. But the cast doesn't seem that interested in their own story. (Kino Blu Ray)

058) 10/21/2023 Svengoolie: The Night Stalker (1972) 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png

Still my vote for the best made-for-TV horror film ever. Darren McGavin is perfectly cast as Las Vegas reporter Carl Kolchak who realizes a real-life vampire is responsible for at least 4 murders. Fast-paced, and with flawless balance of humor and horror. (MeTV Broadcast)

059) 10/21/2023 Night of Terror (1933) 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png

Bela Lugosi gets top billing in this simultaneously clever and silly mystery. A maniac with a knife is at large killing at will while a scientist conducts an experiment. He'll be buried alive! Best part is actually the ending, when the maniac speaks to the audience. (Sinister Cinema DVD-R)

060) 10/21/2023 La Llorona (1933) 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png

Oddly structured film about legendary Mexican ghost, "The Crying Woman." On the occasion of his grandson's fourth birthday, a grandfather thinks the boy might be in danger because of ancestors who were murdered on their fourth birthdays. Two "flashback" stories are told to explain what might be happening in the present. The ending doesn't work because there's no way the villain could have been the villain, unless she could be in two places at once. (Powerhouse Films Blu Ray)

061) 10/21/2023 The Ghoul (1933) 1698775205335.png 1698775205335.png 1/2

Karloff went to England to film this tale of greedy heirs and thieves trying to get their hands on valuable Egyptian gem. Karloff is the "corpse" who returns to life. Great cast mostly. But the male lead "hero" is thoroughly unlikable and the film drags in spots. (Network Blu Ray)

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

062) 10/22/2023 House of Mystery (1934) 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png

Partners in a business venture have finally found the person who stiffed them their shares. But he claims he was only trying to protect them from ancient curse attached to the treasure he stole. Oh, and an ape commits murders. Low budget, familiar tale actually has some pretty good one-liners. (Alpha DVD)

063) 10/22/2023 The Black Cat (1934) 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png

Most of the time Karloff made his monsters sympathetic and relatable. But this time he plays a thoroughly evil Satanist who plans on sacrificing the young woman who came to his house for help. Bela Lugosi knows all too well what Karloff is up to and tries to intervene. One of the best of the Universal Horrors with excellent work by its two main stars. David Manners is not bad either as the concerned husband. (Shout! Factory Blu Ray)

064) 10/22/2023 The Phantom of the Convent (1934) 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png 1/2

Lost in the woods, a married couple and their pal get stranded in creepy monastery. The husband doesn't realize his wife and friend are this close to having an affair, and the ruins seem to bring out the worst in people. Atmospheric Mexican horror with some haunting visuals. But as in La Llorona, the use of flashbacks interrupts the narrative flow. (Powerhouse Films Blu Ray)

065) 10/22/2023 Maniac (1934) No 1698775721627.png

Awful, cheap production about lab assistant who accidentally kills his boss and assumes his identity. Hammy acting, nonsensical dialogue. Throws in some Poe towards the end just for the heck of it. Bad film aficionados should eat this up. (Kino DVD)

066) 10/22/2023 Dos Monjes (1934) 1698775721627.png 1698775721627.png 1/2

Two estranged friends cross paths in a monastery and recount what tore them apart. Talky but interesting drama with a haunting finale. (Criterion Blu Ray)

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Out of 4

067) 10/23/2023 The Ghost Walks (1934) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png

Twisty cheapie about production company putting on a play in creepy manor while escaped mental patient lurks about. Average stuff with the occasional amusing moment. (Alpha DVD)

068) 10/23/2023 Mark of the Vampire (1935) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png

Beautifully shot thriller about vampires targeting local family. Great cast includes Bela Lugosi and Lionel Atwill. Twist ending is unearned though; the film doesn't play fair with the audience. (Warner Archive Blu Ray)

069) 10/23/2023 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png

Regarded as the best of the Universal horrors. It's certainly one of them. The monster speaks and wants a wife! Many memorable moments, including dazzling creation scene. The Bride herself certainly makes an impression, even though she has precious few moments of screen time. (Universal Blu Ray)

070) 10/23/2023 WereWolf of London (1935) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png

Unfairly maligned werewolf film because people don't find Henry Hull's doctor sympathetic. Pish posh. He acts as one might expect an obsessed scientist to act. The makeup is awesome too, as are the various transformation scenes. Warner Oland does well as doctor who knows the werewolf legend a little too well. (Universal Blu Ray)

071) 10/23/2023 The Raven (1935) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png

Bela Lugosi at his most demented, playing Poe-obsessed surgeon who finally goes overboard when he can't have the woman he wants. Karloff is the disfigured thug forced to aid Lugosi. Over the top in almost every way. But a real hoot. (Shout! Factory Blu Ray)

072) 10/23/2023 Mad Love (1935) 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1698776509929.png 1/2

The first American film for Peter Lorre. He plays brilliant but lonely doctor who becomes obsessed with Frances Drake. When her pianist husband's hands are destroyed in a train wreck, Drake takes advantage of Lorre's feelings and seeks his help. But Lorre has a plan of his own. Macabre, compelling chiller with Lorre unforgettable. (Warner Archive Blu Ray)


Senior HTF Member
Jan 6, 2004
I’m going to try to watch a couple more movies tonight…I’ll post my entire list tomorrow morning.


Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 2000
Sonora Norte
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OCTOBER 29 (Vampire Day!):
29) Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) (Blu-ray Disc) 4/5 stars -
An outlier Hammer film that I've always loved, it offers an interesting twist on traditional vampire lore. War veteran, expert swordsman, and vampire killer Captain Kronos and his assistant Professor Grost travel the countryside seeking out and destroying vampiric evil wherever they find it. They're called to a small village by an old friend of Kronos after a number of local girls are discovered dead and mysteriously aged with blood on their lips. Horst Janson as Kronos and John Cater as Grost share great screen chemistry, and Caroline Munro is a welcome presence as a young woman they rescue from a stockade early in the film. Quite an enjoyable movie and the Blu-ray presentation is great.

30) Two Orphan Vampires* (1997) (4K UHD Disc) 1.5/5 stars - A perfect example of style over substance, and perhaps even competence, this French entry into the genre was a true slog for me. The plot revolves around two young teen girl orphans who are blind by day, but by night they can see in the blue wavelengths and leave their room at the convent to prey on people and animals around the local cemetary. The screenplay is all over the place, logic and continuity errors abound, and much of it makes little sense. Stylistically it has merit, and the two leads are appealing, but the whole affair seems very amateurish and it was pretty difficult to sit through the entire movie. The Indicator 4K UHD release is a perfect example of why some films shouldn't be given the 4K treatment. The grain management is horrible, with it being far too resolved, to the point of distraction.

31) Lifeforce (1985) (4K UHD Disc) 3.5/5 stars - An over-the-top melding of sci-fi, horror, and vampires, Lifeforce doesn't easily fit into any particular cubbyhole. A mission to intercept and observe Halley's Comet finds the crew of the shuttle Churchill discovering a miles-long alien spacecraft hidden in the comet's coma. They board the ship, which is crewed by giant bat-like beings, all dead, except for three perfect, naked, and outwardly normal humans encased in crystal pods. They return the pods to Earth, with terrible consequences. Steve Railsback plays the commander of the Churchill mission and is the only survivor of the entire crew. He chews the scenery almost every time he's on-screen, but everyone takes the production seriously, and this helps the film immensely. Still, it's FIRMLY planted in B-movie territory, despite the amazing talent involved - directed by Tobe Hooper, John Dykstra on the special effects unit, score by Henry Mancini, and Dan O'Bannon on the writers team. Oh, and Patrick Stewart has a small role as the director of an insane asylum. Its biggest claim to fame, however, is Matilda May as the head "space vampire." She spends almost the entire movie walking around London completely naked, and she is quite beautiful. The 4K Scream Factory! release looks and sounds very nice indeed.

32) The Shining (1980) (4K UHD Disc) 5/5 stars -
Stanley Kubrick's tour-de-force adaptation of Stephen King's novel of the same name, The Shining is practically perfect in every way. Its underlying banality only heightens the horror of what the Torrance family experiences when Jack Torrence, a struggling writer and recovering alcoholic, agrees to bring his wife and young son along when he is hired to be winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel; a huge, forbidding, and isolated resort sitting at timberline high in the Colorado Rockies. A classic in every sense of the word, and the 4K disc is simply beautiful!
Last edited:

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating - out of 4

073) 10/24/2023 The Black Room (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png 1/2

Boris Karloff plays three roles in this elegant thriller about family curse. He's a corrupt, evil Baron who summons his younger twin brother so he can appoint him the new ruler. But it's a setup: he murders his sibling and then impersonates him! Karloff's rarely been better. (Eureka Blu Ray)

074) 10/24/2023 Condemned to Live (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png

Corny but sincere thriller about beloved, benevolent town doctor who is actually the vampiric fiend terrorizing the locals. The film overplays the sympathy card. But it's not bad. The screenwriter sure likes the word "swoon". (Alpha DVD)

075) 10/24/2023 The Crime of Dr. Crespi (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png

Erich von Stroheim plays title medico who plots revenge against doctor who married the woman Stroheim loved. After the rival survives a car accident, the madman injects him with serum giving him the appearance of death, so that he'll be buried alive. Released in the same year as The Raven and Mad Love, this comes across as weak tea despite Stroheim's all-in performance. Dwight Frye plays the doc who suspects the truth. Based on Poe's "The Premature Burial." (Flicker Alley Blu Ray)

076) 10/24/2023 The Great Impersonation (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png 1/2

Speaking of Frye, he followed up his performance in Crespi with an uncredited role as the screaming maniac haunting an English estate in this espionage thriller. In 1914, a lookalike impersonates British nobleman hoping to mess with England's WWI effort. Lots of familiar faces and sets for the Universal fan. Edmund Lowe is good in dual roles. (The Fang DVD-R)

077) 10/25/2023 Der Student von Prag (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png 1/2

Student becomes infatuated with opera singer; makes sinister deal with mysterious doctor to win her over. The result is his mirror image is set free and acts as his conscious, haunting him when tragedy strikes. Third version of this story isn't as good as the 1926 Conrad Veidt version but is still entertaining. (Vintage Horror DVD-R)

078) 10/25/2023 Fahrmann Maria (1935) 1698798385724.png 1698798385724.png 1/2

The ferryman for small village falls in love with man whom Death comes looking for. She tries to prevent Death from finding him. Strikingly shot German fantasy is cute but rather silly. (Sinister Cinema DVD-R)


Fake Shemp
Senior HTF Member
Sep 20, 2002
Real Name
Having a movie time-out to watch the door so here's where I'm at. Hoping to get in two more classics tonight. This afternoon I ran mostly newer films. I think I've watched more films from 2022/2023 this challenge than I have all year!

124 10/30 Insidious: The Last Key (2018) 2.5/5 This one explores more of Elise’s backstory as she has to return to her childhood home to take care of her past trauma and ghosts. It feels like a retread and it’s fine.

125 10/31 Infinity Pool (2023) 4/5 Loved this. Brandon Cronenberg takes a bizarre concept and nudges it into “Salo” territory without feeling like he’s trying. Solid performances with Mia Goth again finding new levels to go to. Go in blind if you can.

126 10/31 Insidious: The Red Door (2023)2.5/5 The series comes full circle as we find the Lambert’s are a broken home and Dalton has grown into being an insufferable asshole about to enter college. This is all explored in the most banana’s way possible: A Patrick Wilson Vanity Picture. Everything is focused around him - Rose Byrne is barely in it - and it’s no surprise seeing how Wilson directed this one. Wilson even sings the end credit song. It pushes the concept so far that it doesn’t really make sense, but Wilson’s massive brass balls carry it so it’s not really boring, it’s just not very good.

127 10/31 Talk To Me (2023) 3.5/5 An interesting take on the “Monkey’s Paw” finds some college kids channeling the dead. I liked this one and it has a strong start. It kind of goes its own way (which is good) and I feel like I maybe missed some larger themes. I may need to watch it again.

128 10/31 M3GAN (2023) 3.5/5 Ever since getting nightmares from the “Talking Tina” episode of TWILIGHT ZONE, I’ve been a sucker for killer doll/toy like movies. This was no exception. It has a great front end, with solid performances by both the leads and the people playing the doll. When things go full horror I think they try to go too big which makes it silly. They play it straight though and it is a kick watching M3gan go all out. I fun with it, and will check out the sequel.


Second Unit
Aug 25, 2014
Real Name
Jason Roer
Having a movie time-out to watch the door so here's where I'm at. Hoping to get in two more classics tonight. This afternoon I ran mostly newer films. I think I've watched more films from 2022/2023 this challenge than I have all year!

124 10/30 Insidious: The Last Key (2018) 2.5/5 This one explores more of Elise’s backstory as she has to return to her childhood home to take care of her past trauma and ghosts. It feels like a retread and it’s fine.

125 10/31 Infinity Pool (2023) 4/5 Loved this. Brandon Cronenberg takes a bizarre concept and nudges it into “Salo” territory without feeling like he’s trying. Solid performances with Mia Goth again finding new levels to go to. Go in blind if you can.

126 10/31 Insidious: The Red Door (2023)2.5/5 The series comes full circle as we find the Lambert’s are a broken home and Dalton has grown into being an insufferable asshole about to enter college. This is all explored in the most banana’s way possible: A Patrick Wilson Vanity Picture. Everything is focused around him - Rose Byrne is barely in it - and it’s no surprise seeing how Wilson directed this one. Wilson even sings the end credit song. It pushes the concept so far that it doesn’t really make sense, but Wilson’s massive brass balls carry it so it’s not really boring, it’s just not very good.

127 10/31 Talk To Me (2023) 3.5/5 An interesting take on the “Monkey’s Paw” finds some college kids channeling the dead. I liked this one and it has a strong start. It kind of goes its own way (which is good) and I feel like I maybe missed some larger themes. I may need to watch it again.

128 10/31 M3GAN (2023) 3.5/5 Ever since getting nightmares from the “Talking Tina” episode of TWILIGHT ZONE, I’ve been a sucker for killer doll/toy like movies. This was no exception. It has a great front end, with solid performances by both the leads and the people playing the doll. When things go full horror I think they try to go too big which makes it silly. They play it straight though and it is a kick watching M3gan go all out. I fun with it, and will check out the sequel.
Infinity Pool was my favorite new film for this challenge, and honestly, for the past few years. Glad you enjoyed it as well. I thought it was fantastic and look forward to watching it again.

Neil Middlemiss

Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2001
Real Name
Neil Middlemiss
October 31: The Thing (1982) – PERFECT (5 out of 5)

Isolated at a remote Antarctic research station, a U.S. team is unknowingly infiltrated by a thing that can perfectly imitate lifeforms, human or animal. A storm sets in, cutting them off from the outside world and they find themselves alone against a deadly threat they don’t fully understand. No-one is safe, no-one knows who to trust, and no-one knows who is still human and who might be the thing.

A film of rare exception and perfection. There’s not a false note, a wasted shot, or a flaw in the premise or execution, The Thing is a masterpiece. The level of craft, precision, tonal excellence, and mastery of bleakness, dread, and isolation is remarkable in this film. Many films get called a masterpiece and not enough of them earn it. The Thing is. Every shot in the film has a point and displays movement and framing that supports the story and expression of the cinematic art form. Dean Cundey’s cinematography is exquisite, Ennio Morricone’s score understated and brilliantly unsettling, and the performances terrific.

Director Carpenter was on an extraordinary streak following his breakout hit with 1978’s Halloween. The decade that followed would see The Fog, Escape from New York, They Live, Big Trouble in Little China, and his most assured creation, The Thing. The film, dismissed by critics upon its release, also found that audiences didn’t warm to it either. Carpenter reeled from the failure, but, thankfully, came to be appreciated for the stunning piece of cinema he created. There is simply no finer film from this man.

An ensemble cast with Kurt Russell’s MacReady becoming the reluctant hero we invest in most. Wilford Brimley, Keith David, Richard Dysart, and a handful of other fine performers round out the cast. While the direction, performances, score, and cinematography are all exemplars of the craft, and Bill Lancaster’s screenplay (based on John W. Campbell Jr.’s story) is adroit, the quintessential element vaulting the film into legendary status is the work by gifted effects master, Rob Bottin. His grotesque creations, with dog faces splitting open, chests opening with teeth, heads stretching away from bodies and sprouting legs, are the wonderful stuff of nightmares. It’s an unparalleled achievement in practical effects.

The more I watch The Thing, which is at least every Halloween night, the more I recognize its greatness. Second year I am watching this in 4K and all those grotesque creations in 4K resolution is a gift I can’t believe I get to enjoy after years of poor-quality TV broadcasts and run down VHS viewings. Pure perfection.

Another fun year taking part in the challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the write-ups posted by participants this year, learned a ton about movies I'd barely heard of and found a few that are musts for me to watch for next year's challenge. THANK YOU to all of you, you made this a really great year.

Happy Halloween 😊

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

079) 10/26/2023 Ouanga (1935) 1698808989673.png

Light-skinned plantation owner is furious the Caucasian man she loves intends to marry another. So she makes with the voodoo. Cheap and poorly acted. (Sinister Cinema DVD-R)

080) 10/26/2023 A Face in the Fog (1936) 1698808989673.png 1/2

Creaky thriller about mysterious Fiend killing those involved in play "Satan's Bride." The story itself is okay if familiar. But the production values and performance levels scream poverty row. (Alpha DVD)

081) 10/26/2023 Le Golem (1936) 1698808989673.png 1698808989673.png 1/2

Rabbi Lowe, who handled the Golem in the 1920 film, has died while his people are being persecuted. Rabbi Jacob takes over and promises deliverance, so the Emperor kidnaps him hoping to learn the current hiding place of the Golem. The title creature comes to life the final 12 or so minutes, so the film is overlong and talky. But Harry Baur is a lot of fun as the increasingly deranged Emperor and the production values are impressive. (Ergo DVD-R)

082) 10/26/2023 Dracula's Daughter (1936) 1698808989673.png 1698808989673.png 1698808989673.png

Good Dracula sequel finds vampire's daughter hoping she's be freed from her curse. She hasn't. Not as atmospheric as most of the other 1930s Universals but still works well. Gloria Holden does fine work as does Irving Pichel as her grumpy servant Sandor. (Universal Blu Ray)


Second Unit
Sep 4, 2006
Real Name
A total of 55 for me, 33 of which I watched for the first time. My final installment of comments:

Recent releases

48. Night of the Hunter, 1955 (4K)
49. It! The Terror from Beyond Space, 1958*
50. Psycho, 1960 (4K)
51. Psycho II, 1983* (4K)
52. Psycho III, 1986* (4K)
53. Psycho IV: The Beginning, 1990* (4K)
54. Targets, 1968
55. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, 1966

*first time viewing

In NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (1955), Robert Mitchum is a Depression-era self-proclaimed “man of God” following a gospel he and God worked out between themselves; it condones fleecing and murdering—but not sleeping with—widows. Caught with a stolen car, he has the good fortune to share a prison cell with Peter Graves before the latter is hanged for killing two people while robbing a bank. Mitchum is soon off to find the dead man’s widow (Shelley Winters) and the bank loot’s hiding place. The silver-tongued conman marries the widow and then terrorizes her and her two children. Moviegoers of 1955 had never seen a movie like it. Few saw this one either, and the movie simultaneously marked the beginning and the end of Charles Laughton’s directorial career. More’s the pity. Laughton had reworked James Agee’s screenplay from a best-selling southern gothic novel. Stanley Cortez was the DP, and the movie is full of extraordinary images.

An Earthbound space ship is preparing to leave Mars when someone leaves a door open (darn it!) and an unobserved monster boards. In time, the ship’s crew discovers that it is trapped in space with an alien creature that is killing off the crew members. Interesting concept; imagine what Ridley Scott could do with that. What the makers of IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE (1958) did was create a movie with bad dialogue, a cringeworthy romantic triangle, and an unbelievable monster costume—and it works! That concept’s a good one. (It had been used before; this is basically The Thing from Another World set in space.) Some of the cast members are familiar from television of the period and they do well enough. The weak link is the actor playing the crew leader, a character with the surprising name of Van Heusen, also the name of a well-known men’s shirt manufacturer of the time.

PSYCHO (1960) needs no introduction. Unfortunately, some people thought it would benefit from a sequel, or, to be more precise, that they would. The result, 23 years after the original, was PSYCHO II (1983), in which Norman Bates is released, and we follow along as he returns to his old homestead and the Bates Motel. This is just a cheap slasher movie with cheap slasher movie twists and turns and a cheap slasher movie ending. It has its fans, incredibly, but I’m not one of them. I’m not a masochist either but I am a completist, especially if I’ve already paid for something, so I forced myself to watch PSYCHO III (1986) (as bad as a movie can be) and PSYCHO IV: THE BEGINNING (1990) (worse). I suggest limiting yourself to the original.

I tried to view TARGETS (1968) on its own terms. Without considering how the movie came to be, how does it work as a movie? Pretty well, actually. We follow two characters on paths we assume will eventually intersect: an aging horror movie icon (Boris Karloff, plausibly enough) who refuses to make another movie and declares that he’s retired, and a young man with an honest face (read Charles Whitman from a time when mass shootings were rare) who is amassing a large arsenal of guns and soon putting them to use. Karloff is a likable presence, and the counter-story creates genuine suspense. There are some nice shots (along with a couple of moments you can’t believe came from someone who would soon be regarded as a major director), and the story moves forward to a memorable climax. It’s not a masterpiece but is worth a watch. Three years later, The Last Picture Show was released, and a star was born but in time dimmed.

IT’S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN (1966) is not a recent release, of course, and, tbh, it’s not very scary, but I think it’s the best of the Peanuts cartoons.

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

083) 10/27/2023 The Devil-Doll (1936) 1698809305937.png 1698809305937.png 1698809305937.png

Prison escapee Lionel Barrymore joins forces with mad scientist who can miniaturize living beings and force them to do his bidding. Barrymore plots to use this breakthrough to exact revenge on his partners who framed him for theft and murder. Very enjoyable yarn borrows key plot points from The Unholy Three, which isn't surprising since Tod Browing directed both. (Warner Archive Blu Ray)

084) 10/27/2023 Revolt of the Zombies (1936) No 1698809305937.png

Awful zombie entry about WWI soldier who has learned the secret of controlling the undead, only to use it to go after the woman he loves. Kinda-sorta a sequel to White Zombie by the Halperin brothers, who borrow Bela Lugosi eye closeups to try and add some atmosphere. It doesn't work. What we have here is a talky, predictable bore with uninteresting characters. (Roan Group DVD)

085) 10/27/2023 The Macabre Trunk (1936) 1698809305937.png 1698809305937.png

Mexican chiller about doctor who kidnaps and murders female patients from his own hospital. He needs their blood in order to keep his wife alive. He even has a hunchbacked, dentally challenged assistant. So-so early medical horror which would come into its own in the 1960s. Best moment is when a "bum" finds a discarded body part in a trash can! (DVD-R)

086) 10/27/2023 Mummy's Boys (1936) 1698809305937.png 1698809305937.png

Wheeler and Woolsey made some pretty funny films in the early 1930s. But this is one of their last ones (Woolsey died in 1938) and it's just not as humorous as their previous efforts. They play inept duo who join with Egyptian expedition in search of buried treasure, unaware there's a curse on one of the party members who raided a tomb earlier. The opening is good and would have worked well in a straight-forward chiller. Then it switches to comedy mode and fizzles, despite the occasional chuckle. Abbott and Costello would try something similar 20 years later and they didn't do so well either. Mummies make for poor straight men. (Warner Archive DVD-R)

087) 10/27/2023 Super-Sleuth (1937) 1698809305937.png 1698809305937.png 1/2

Jack Oakie plays move star detective who gives the real cops grief since they can't capture killer known as The Poison Pen. Little does he know his friend Professor Herman is the killer and has marked him for death! Fitfully amusing comedic thriller builds to lively climax in museum showcasing murder devices. (Warner Archive DVD-R)

dana martin

Senior HTF Member
Oct 28, 2003
Norfolk, VA
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Dana Martin

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

088) 10/28/2023 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png

Right after Son of Frankenstein Rathbone went on to play the role that would, for better or worse, forever define him. He's the definitive Sherlock Holmes investigating murder supposedly committed by legendary hound. Atwill plays a suspect. Wonderful version of the oft-filmed story, which reveals the killer before the finale to add some genuine tension to final scenes. (MPI Blu Ray)

089) 10/28/2023 Tower of London (1939) 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1/2

Great cast in handsome but ultimately disappointing drama. Basil Rathbone plays Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who plots the murders of those who stand in his way to the throne. Boris Karloff is his club-footed henchman, Vincent Price his whiny step-brother. The script is well plotted. But the cheap final battle and Richard's weak comeuppance leave a sour taste. (Shout! Factory Blu Ray)

090) 10/28/2023 Svengoolie: The Night Strangler (1973) 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1/2

Dynamite sequel to The Night Stalker finds Kolchak in Seattle, investigating series of strangulation murders committed by 100+ years old alchemist. Some of the humor is a little too broad compared to the prior film, but otherwise this a great blend of humor and horror. (MeTV Broadcast)

091) 10/28/2023 The Return of Dr. X (1939) 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png

Reporter finds body of retired movie star and thinks he has big scoop. But when the body disappears and shows up alive the next day, he starts digging and discovers doctor who specializes in blood research. Pretty standard mad scientist stuff is known as the film Humphrey Bogart, who plays the baddie, didn't want to make. He's fine. But why does every single Warner/First National horror film revolve around the press? (Warner Bros. DVD)

092) 10/28/2023 The Face at the Window (1939) 1698810058189.png 1698810058189.png 1/2

Before Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee became Britain's horror stars, there was the aptly named Tod Slaughter, who specialized in gleeful villains of the moustache-twirling variety. Unfortunately most of the home video versions of his films are shoddy, preventing a true appreciation of his work. God bless Kino for releasing one of his best to Blu Ray. Here is plays The Wolf, a nefarious robber and killer who also protects the secret regarding the hideous face at the window, seen by the victims before getting a knife in their backs. His plans are constantly being thwarted, but he just calmly switches to Plans C, D, and E. A scientist dubbed the Mad Professor figures in the story. Slaughter is always a blast, even if the supporting cast and scripts aren't always the best. (KIno Blu Ray)

John Stell

Jun 12, 2002
Columbia, MD
Real Name
John Stell
Rating out of 4

093) 10/29/2023 The House of Fear (1939) 1698810547028.png 1698810547028.png 1/2

Detective poses as theater producer in hopes of discovering who murdered actor one year earlier. He assembles the cast of the play that was being performed when the murder took place. Remake of The Last Warning (1929) is decent whodunit with brisk pace and good atmosphere. Comedic elements are hit or miss. (DVD-R)

094) 10/29/2023 Son of Frankenstein (1939) 1698810547028.png 1698810547028.png 1698810547028.png 1/2

Grand installment in the series, with superlative cast including Basil Rathbone, Lionel Atwill, and, of course Karloff. But it's Bela Lugosi who steals the show as the body snatching Ygor. He's never been better. Epic in terms of its length (it's a half hour longer than the typical Universal) and there's never a dull moment. (Universal Blu Ray)

095) 10/29/2023 The Gorilla (1939) 1698810547028.png 1698810547028.png

Lionel Atwill and Bela Lugosi reteam for this adaptation of famous stage play. Killer known as the Gorilla targets Atwill at his creepy home. Lugosi is his butler. Called in are three inept detectives played by The Ritz Brothers, who make silly faces and sounds but add little else. Enjoyment of the film depends on your love or hate of the trio. (Roan Group DVD)

096) 10/29/2023 The Dark Eyes of London (1939) 1698810547028.png 1698810547028.png

Bela Lugosi plays disgraced doctor who now runs an insurance company. When his clients keep dying, the police finally realize something's wrong. And what is the strange connection between the company and a shelter for the blind? Based on Edgar Wallace tale this is more police procedural than horror film. Lugosi is OK but doesn't seem as invested in this one as he is in his other 1930's horrors. (Network Blu Ray)


Aug 3, 2013
Real Name
Gavin Kopp
38) Werewolf by Night (in color) - :emoji_jack_o_lantern:.5 - When I watched this last year in Black & White I loved it. Compared to Marvel's other TV shows I thought this was a great example of highly stylized, efficient story telling.
Maybe too efficient, as there is no subtle layering, subplots or depth of character. So it doesn't really lend itself to multiple viewings. And in color it loses it's style points as well.
I only watched this to see the special guest character in color, and that didn't disappoint. But the rest of the episode was really lackluster in color. The titular werewolf looked really bad in color also. I guess I was hoping for oversaturated,
Highly stylized color, but no, I thought it was fairly plain. This was a big disappointment for me.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 7, 2006
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October 30
10. Scream (1996)
Written by Kevin Williamson
Directed by Wes Craven
Starring Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Lillard, Jamie Kennedy, Rose McGowan, Drew Barrymoore.
The Meta horror classic. I found that the film's score was greatly enhanced by the playing of the Halloween score during vital parts of the film's final act.

11. Scream 2 (1997)
Written by Kevin Williamson
Directed by Wes Craven
Starring Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Jamie Kennedy, Jada Pinkett, Omar Epps, Liev Schreiber, Timothy Olyphant, Jerry O'Connell, Laurie Metcalf
Sidney and friends are now at college and Ghostface is back to destroy their lives.

October 31
12. Scream 3 (2000)
Written by Ehren Kruger
Directed by Wes Craven
Starring Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox Arquette, David Arquette, Patrick Dempsey, Scott Foley, Jenny McCarthy, Parker Posey.
Ghostface invades the shooting of Stab 3. This was better than I remember it being. Fun cameos by Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Carrie Fisher, and Heather Mattarazzo.

13. Halloween II (1981)
Written by John Carpenter and Debra Hill
Directed by Rick Rosenthal
Starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence, Charles Cyphers
Michael pursues an injured Laurie to the hospital.

Michael Elliott

Senior HTF Member
Jul 11, 2003
Real Name
Michael Elliott
INFINITY POOL, MEGAN, TALK TO ME, THE BOOGEYMAN and several others from this year were on my list to watch but it's not gonna happen. Oh well, maybe next year!

I take off work every Halloween just to stay up late watching horror movies and watching them throughout the day waiting for the kids to get home. We had a blast trick or treating tonight and they managed to get at least 12-months worth of candy in just 75-minutes. It even managed to spit out some snow while we were out!

Halloween II (1981) ***

I've always had mixed emotions on this one. I've always enjoyed it but it could have been so much better but it's honestly getting better with each new viewing. There are some major logical issues and the whole brother/sister thing is rather stupid. Hell, you could argue that the ending to HALLOWEEN was brilliant and we didn't need any sequels. However, there are some very effective scenes here, plenty of funny lines, the great hot tub scene and there's also some good tension here and especially the first chase of Myers against Curtis.

Anthropophagus II (2023) ** 1/2

This is an in-name-only sequel to the Joe D'Amato film but it feels more like a WRONG TURN movie. College girls go into an underground bunker for some research and they're attacked by a cannibal. There's not too much plot here but the most shocking thing is that each character was a complete bitch. Usually horror films give you that one unruly lady but this film made each character that. There wasn't anyone to root for, which was a negative. However, if you just want gore then there's plenty of that here including them copying the baby scene from the original movie. The gore is certainly off the charts but it's too bad they didn't get George Eastman for a cameo.

Dracula (1974) ***

It's probably been a decade or two since I last watched this Dan Curtis production. There are all sorts of issues with the film including its slow pacing but there's plenty to enjoy as well. The look of the film is quite beautiful as the costumes and sets are terrific. Dracula's castle is one of my favorites from any Dracula film and especially the basement, which looks terrific. Jack Palance makes for a good Dracula. Yeah, he's cold and stiff in the part but he is playing a dead dude. Nigel Davenport steals the film as Van Helsing.

The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) ****

This sequel to SON OF FRANKENSTEIN finds the series going into "B" movie territory but it's still a lot of fun. The story itself is quite good but it's the actors who really make this a blast. Chaney is good in the role of the Frankenstein monster. I loved the sympathy be brought to the character and his scenes with the young girl are wonderful. However, he's also very menacing when pissed off and Chaney's large size is a major plus. Lugosi is wonderful as Ygor again. It all leads to a lot of fast action and fun.

House of Frankenstein (1944) ***

There are all sorts of problems with this film including the entire Count Dracula sequence but it's still fun seeing all of the monsters together. It's just too bad they're not all on screen together. The performances are great and especially Chaney who returns as Larry Talbot. J. Carrol Naish steals the film as the hunchback who gets friend zoned by the werewolf. Carradine is excellent as Dracula but it was a real missed opportunity not having Lugosi return to the role.

House of Dracula (1945) **

Chaney, Jr. once gave an interview saying that ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEETS FRANKENSTEIN ruined the Universal monsters but I'm guessing he never watched this film. This film sees the mosnters go down to "C" level as they're all poorly used. You can tell that Chaney is bored with the part. The Frankenstein monster doesn't do anything until the closing minutes. Carradine is great as Dracula so that is a plus, The story is just downright boring but the twist towards the end works but it just comes way too late. Onslow Stevens is also rather boring in his role as the scientist. Was Lugosi not available?

And Lionel Atwill deserves a shout out. Five straight Frankenstein movies where he plays five different characters!

Michael Elliott

Senior HTF Member
Jul 11, 2003
Real Name
Michael Elliott
Okay Michael, and everybody else involved.
Standing by at the blocks, waiting for the baton to pass. Waiting to see how many decide to jump in on the next challenge.

A lot of great releases have happened since last year's challenge ended. Watch, discuss, possibly recommend, a world of possibilities.

I plan on jumping in. It might take a couple days but I've got a Kino set here as well as just about everything that has been shown on Noir Alley this year! Looking forward to it.

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