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  1. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    Could be. It's been a few years since I've watched the original. I'll have to remedy that this weekend. I bought the original s.e. DVD tin day one. I loved all the supplements. And Peter Jacksons passion for this film and his amazing recreation of the spider pit sequence made my...
  2. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    I wasn't sure I would like the "skull crawlers" since this was supposed to be an island lost in time. I can buy prehistoric gigantic creatures having existed, but these things have never existed. Yet I totally bought the hollow earth theory. And the film was so swiftly paced that they just...
  3. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    And speaking of old whippersnappers, im 47, and the ticket agent, who looked about 15, gave me the senior discount. The sign said seniors are 62 and older. I know I have a lot of gray hair already, but come on.
  4. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    Im a lot later to this party than I had planned, but soooo worth the wait. This is how you do a Kong movie. Sure the setup of the stock characters was a little clunky, and the period songs a little too obvious, but it didnt take too long. And then 5 minutes on the island and boom! One hell...
  5. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    Too much going on with kids and prom this weekend, but next week is payday and I have plans for me and my son to go see this. Judging from the comments here, I cant wait. A bunch of awesome monster attacks and John C. Reilly, what more does one need? Its Kong. Theres a mysterious island...
  6. sleroi

    Kong: Skull Island (2017)

    Jackson released a DVD box set of the production diaries before his film came out and of the bonus features was the complete Kong vs the T rexes fight scene.