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  1. mskaye

    Song of the South

    Not "notorious." Just some questionable alliances. Neil Gabler, a very well-regarded Walt Disney biographer, said he wasn't. So we can end the speculation here.
  2. mskaye

    Song of the South

    Thank you for responding articulately to a post that I responded angrily at.
  3. mskaye

    Song of the South

    People have a right to watch it and enjoy it. My whole argument has been the reasons why this won't be released by Disney. I don't think the film is evil. If it was in the public domain and released by ClassicFlix I wouldn't care. But to think that a publicly owned major media company (THE...
  4. mskaye

    Song of the South

    Nor should people posting pictures of white actors in blackface under the delusion that this was acceptable behavior.
  5. mskaye

    Song of the South

    You are seriously delusional.
  6. mskaye

    Song of the South

    Please. No one is spending corporate dollars and allocating money to rehabilitate this of all films. The negative is happily soundly asleep in a vault somewhere. It isn't being shredded. If you want to produce and fund a documentary dealing with this film's complicated legacy go right ahead.
  7. mskaye

    Song of the South

    Not happening. Not sure what you are reading. He just rejoined. ALL major media companies are dealing with upheavals right now. And if you think a new Disney CEO will reverse this longstanding corporate decision for a 70+ yr old relic from the pre-civil rights era, think again.
  8. mskaye

    Song of the South

  9. mskaye

    Song of the South

    This movie doesn't just offend Disney executives. It now offends a large segment of the population. It offends people who recognize that certain things from the past are beyond redemption. Some people in this world just have an astounding inability to see the world through other people's eyes...
  10. mskaye

    Song of the South

    It's great. This is a profound meditation on postwar America, race, relations, dawn of the air of narcissism masquerading as a 10 handkerchief soap opera melodrama. It's also displays Sirk's visual gifts at their best. It would make a great double feature with Spike Lee's DO THE RIGHT THING.
  11. mskaye

    Song of the South

    I'm not talking about the Colbert version. And you are missing the point and life's too short...
  12. mskaye

    Song of the South

  13. mskaye

    Song of the South

    I suggest many of you watch Douglas Sirk's IMITATION OF LIFE instead of pining for a racist relic of the past, no matter how entertaining you remember it being.