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  1. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    C'mon! What wasn't there to like? Anyon: "Anyon" Gob: :angry:!!!??? "Will sombody silence this unsufferable child! ARGH!!". I was pis*ing myself! BTW, Entertainment Weekly was also urging people to get with the program..
  2. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    ???????!!!!!!!! Nooooooo!! I was looking all over for it last night! What the &*#@!!
  3. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    Hmm.. Thanks for the side-by-side comparison, Rob. No question who's the better Marta.. Can't wait for today's episode! :)
  4. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    God, that was awesome! Hermano? He's over there. Are you Hermano? Hermano? He's over there.. Wait, that's the guy who...?! :)
  5. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    I KNEW I wasn't crazy!! That girl's an imposter!
  6. doug zdanivsky

    Arrested Development Ongoing thread

    I agree, I thought it was very smart and well-paced, good characters.. Hopefully it'll be a hit and not go the way off other funny shows like Family Guy and Andy Kauffman Controls the Universe..