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  1. bgart13

    Scorpion Releasing (new company that offers rare/obscure/campy flicks)!S!P!-Exclusive-Interview-With-Walter-Olsen-Of-Scorpion-Releasing!
  2. bgart13

    Scorpion Releasing (new company that offers rare/obscure/campy flicks)

    DEATH SHIP will also be available on blu-ray, as well as some other upcoming titles. Go to Rock!Shock!Pop! for an interview with Walter @ Scorpion!
  3. bgart13

    Scorpion Releasing (new company that offers rare/obscure/campy flicks)

    Bill from Code Red actually looked into SAVAGE INTRUDER, but the problem is only a video master can be found by the rights owner (no film elements). So, it's a no-go until film elements can be found. :(
  4. bgart13

    Scorpion Releasing (new company that offers rare/obscure/campy flicks)

    Cushing AND Lee! Michael Gambon and Diana Dors are also in the film. And it was directed by Peter Sasdy, one of the best of the late Hammer directors, who also made:   THE STONE TAPE HANDS OF THE RIPPER TASTE THE BLOOD OF DRACULA COUNTESS DRACULA
  5. bgart13

    Scorpion Releasing (new company that offers rare/obscure/campy flicks)

    Zombie Nightmare in October, I believe.