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  1. benbess

    Alfred Hitchcock films available on blu-ray

    I actually love the twist in Stage Fright, which doesn't bother me at all. Not only is it suspenseful and scary, but it's very funny. Alastair Sim is hilarious imho. And what a cast—Marlene Dietrich, Jane Wyman, Richard Todd, etc.
  2. benbess

    Alfred Hitchcock films available on blu-ray

    I'd really like to see Stage Fright! Wonderful film imho. I personally don't care for Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which seems to me like the most boring movie Hitch ever made in America. It's not funny or suspenseful imho.
  3. benbess

    Alfred Hitchcock films available on blu-ray

    I like this film a lot. The DVD, however, shows a lot of signs of water damage. Can you give some comments on the PQ?