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  1. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Just as a tip, Scott, Bullmoose usually has all the Warner Archive releases for preorder and the first week of release at $15.97. I don't know about shipping as I usually purchase from their stores but it is another option for where you can get them at a decent price. Also...
  2. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Bad Day at Black Rock was one of those titles that had long been sitting on my most wanted list to get a blu-ray release. I was very surprised and thrilled when Warner Archive suddenly announced it. It is a great start to the year when we already have this on blu-ray. It is expertly shot and...
  3. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Yes, I would say that is because 2001 was not made to just make an audience happy and to appeal to as many people as possible. I mean Kubrick thought if he just focused on making a good film, one that he thought was interesting then perhaps there would be others that found it interesting as...
  4. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I think you guys are not exactly applying the idea of the "auteur theory" correctly. It does not mean that the director alone is responsible for everything good in his/her film...just that the director has "overseen" most everything to put his personal stamp on a picture. Honestly, not all...
  5. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Probably not fair to Mr. Abrams, true, but I think Keith's comparison is accurate. I mean Kubrick and Hitchcock would sit around trying to come up with what kind of film they wanted to make next. In Kubrick's case he would take years thinking about what that might be, doing research and...
  6. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Well, sure both parties have their role in this I suppose. I try to avoid calling people dumb...unless they really earn that...and I don't really think it is about intelligence as much as it is about what we are given and what we have learned to like. I know somebody in Hollywood once said...
  7. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Sorry for misunderstanding you, Edwin. I do agree with what you say about us being placed in a position of being there with the characters onscreen and experiencing things with them as opposed to being told what they are experiencing.
  8. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Well, I guess the question there becomes who is lowering the bar? Is the audience determining what films get made and how they make them or are the people making the films determining that? Sure, the audience can vote with their wallet but filmmakers decide what films get made. Kubrick did...
  9. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I can understand why you guys do not enjoy these films. I grew up with 2001 so it is a film that has been a favorite for a very long time for me. I have never had an issue with the pacing of the film but I have watched the film with people that had never seen it (mostly people younger than me)...
  10. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I love 2001. To me it is just a great film. Much more focused in what it wants to do than Tree of Life which, for me anyway, makes it a much better viewing experience. I do not think you have to be stoned to enjoy it but it is edited and paced in such a way that audiences used to today's spastic...
  11. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    On The Tree of Life... Just want to throw in here an opposing view of the film. I don't think the film is the "masterpiece" some people call it and I certainly don't think it is the "worst film ever made." Basically, I think it is an experiment from a talented filmmaker that he long wanted to...
  12. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Personally, I do think the 172 minute cut is the better cut of the film and strangely, though longer, actually feels shorter when watching it. I think it has to do with the way the film flows with the additional footage. This was the last film, so far, where Malick was still working the way he...
  13. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I think it is certainly one of the most unique westerns ever made. The look of the film and the seaside setting is not something you see in a lot of westerns. Plus the way the film is set-up is a bit different than a lot of westerns because Brando seems to really want to delve into the...
  14. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Well, you picked a great time to see it because previous versions of this available for home viewing were miserable. The Criterion blu was incredible. I also love this film. The Western this film most reminds me of is Sam Peckinpah's Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid so if you really liked this and...
  15. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I agree it is a "modern" Western and a very enjoyable one.
  16. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I have no issue with your criticisms of the film, Gavin. I will admit that there were two items that greatly appealed to me about it and one was that the film feels like a throwback to 1970s era filmmaking and two the acting was very good. I mean I think the actors in the film took what was not...
  17. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    On Altman and McCabe & Mrs. Miller... I will say here again that I really enjoy reading this thread and hearing Ron and others weighing in on these films. I enjoy hearing other people's opinions of films I love even if they don't agree with how I feel about them. So, with regards to McCabe I...
  18. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    A nice read...
  19. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Yes, I point out specifically it is a personal preference and I don't compare the films. The only reason it was in my comment was because Ron had included it in his. Also I am pretty sick of Casablanca. I've seen it too many times and the truth is...well...where I find Oxbow a film I would go...
  20. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Personally, I'd take Oxbow over Casablanca any day. Just personal preference but I think Oxbow is a more interesting picture.
  21. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Well, despite the fact that Dr. Strangelove is the film I know I have watched more times than any other, a defining film for me in terms of how I feel about movies, and featuring what I thought was a truly hilarious set of performances from Mr. Sellers...well...I hold nothing against you for not...
  22. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I believe Tarantino has stated that Kiss Me Deadly is one of his favorite films and that it was indeed a big influence on what he did in Pulp Fiction. It's a great film and Ralph Meeker is a total badass in it. It is another in Robert Aldrich's catalog of very manly films. He was always good...
  23. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    I know you have a lot of suggestions already, Ron, but this one occurred to me this morning and knowing you are a big Lancaster fan, I think this is a must-see and another amazing performance from Burt. Plus this is a Criterion level blu-ray release that is just fantastic... Maybe you have...
  24. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    That Coen Brothers box set is a good deal, particularly if you have not purchased the singles of those films. Sadly, at least to me, the only version of Blood Simple that is available is the version that the brothers recut. It is still an excellent film and who knows if we will ever see the...
  25. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Sometimes you discover the best stuff when you make a wrong turn.
  26. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Oh yeah, I still love the film but I love it more in the original theatrical cut. I will put this in spoilers:
  27. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    Yes, I think whenever a director watches a film they made again they always see the stuff they wish they did differently or the stuff that did not quite come across they way they wanted it to. Obviously, Lucas being the most well known example of insisting on changing his work. I don't hold it...
  28. Winston T. Boogie

    Ongoing: Ron's Blu-Ray Discoveries Thread (renamed)

    The odd thing about the "Director's Cut" of Blood Simple or what I see in some places called a "restoration" of the film is that all they did was remove stuff from the film and shorten it. They removed music and sound effects and recut scenes to play differently and all of the things they did...