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  1. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    I think in most cases, despite how people spell or use grammar, that you can tell if they are intelligent by what they are communicating. If a person is writing something in a language that is not their first language they can often mangle spelling or grammar but they also can often make a very...
  2. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    I don't really mind people not spelling something correctly or dropping a letter on a message board or comment section. I mean it happens and when I am typing quickly I can fat finger something and drop or add a letter. I don't think that's a big deal. I generally don't even comment when people...
  3. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    I am definitely guilty of reading quickly and allowing my mind to "auto-correct" as I go. Often not noticing where people made an error in spelling or grammar because in my mind I kn w wh t hey w re tr ing to s y. I think also because we have so many...I guess I would call them informal...
  4. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    Bear in mind, all I am doing here is attempting to provide good and clear examples of how "pretentious" should be properly applied. :)
  5. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    I can't actually say his name but think about this for a second...OK, are you thinking...who is a very in the news, daily tweeting, always trumpeting how right and intelligent he is (often when he is fully displaying he has no idea what he is talking about) poster boy for the word pretentious...
  6. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    I certainly would deserve some snark if I spelled it wrong...but I admit I can't recall if I have seen it spelled wrong often. :) Usually I think I am so thrown by how it is being used that I do not notice the spelling. I think people who use it should look up the word and read some...
  7. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    OK, this is something that I have noticed actually does annoy me and I have just kind of realized I can't take it anymore... The overuse and misuse of the word pretentious to describe stuff but most particularly movies. Most movies that people describe as "pretentious" are not in any way...
  8. Winston T. Boogie

    What annoys you?

    This annoys me...