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  1. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    Congratulations (?) :mellow: I highly doubt that shot was in the network print I saw. I can guarantee that even I would have remembered it if it was.
  2. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    Well, there may be...and how do I put this delicately?....multiple reasons for that. I've often said that one look at Christopher Atkins in THE BLUE LAGOON made me irrevocably aware that I was, let's just say, "different" :-) from other little boys. Maybe THAT'S why the breasts (of which I...
  3. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    Wow, my grandfather had a box of those, too! LOL. I don't have them but I'm sure my mother still does somewhere in her house. Serious movie watching was with my grandmother more so than my grandfather. She was the one who introduced me to all the greats as a little tyke, starting with her...
  4. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    Well mine loved McHale's Navy and Hogan's Heroes too, so...... :rolleyes:
  5. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    Sharks??? See, I didn't even REMEMBER sharks until you just mentioned it! I was haunted by the idea of someone putting my feet in cement and throwing me in the water while I was still alive. It STILL gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it! (thank God we never watched HARPER back...
  6. Will Krupp

    Blu-ray Review Tony Rome/Lady in Cement Blu-ray Review

    My grandfather LOVED mysteries, especially the hard-boiled private eye types, so we always watched these movies on TV together when I was little. I realize NOW that, perhaps, I was TOO little for some of these (I've told the story before as to how I couldn't figure out why the lady from "the...