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  1. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    To Josh's point - who effin' knows? Probably my single biggest complaint about season four. The level of ambiguity and disorientation due to a narrative that plays hide and seek with the audience. There is some resolution for many of the characters, but there are some larger questions about...
  2. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Not certain what to think after that episode. I'm still enjoying the characters and the overall production design (including the scoring for the series), but any coherent ideas about the import of season four are eluding me. - Walter.
  3. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    My reaction to Sunday's episode is similar to recent postings. We get more information about the timeline and the overall plot for this season, but questions about Dolores and Teddy remain. We don't know the timeline for Christina but I suspect it may be in the time in which Caleb learns...
  4. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    There were at least four iterations of A.I. systems created by Serac and Dempsey. Their names were Saul, David, Solomon, and Rehoboam. (Four of the first kings of Israel.) Solomon was the precursor to Rehoboam (the quantum computer A.I. featured prominently in season three.) While Solomon's...
  5. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Couple of followup thoughts on my last post... Since no one really "dies" in Westworld could the young woman with Bernard and Stubbs be a reconstituted version of Maeve's daughter? (I know that she was "killed" by the MiB, but is she really, really gone?) Considering the plot at the heart of...
  6. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Now that is an interesting thought. The series certainly like to keep viewers off balance via temporal manipulation of the storyline; so yeah, that sounds just about right. The weapon referenced by Bernard might be Solomon. I believe it was locked away in a facility in Mexico. That would fit...
  7. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Immediately it sounded familiar but it took me a few moments to identify the song. I put the lyrics to the movement and then it popped into my head. The series and composer Dajwadi consistently deliver very engaging covers and this episode's song lived up to that standard. I really enjoyed...
  8. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Oh, I am well aware of that aspect of the series. :) There are a lot of elements in the series that endlessly fascinate me, but honestly to date this season hasn't really engaged me as much as I had hoped it might. Episode one held my interest partly due simply to the return of the series...
  9. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Episode two cleared up my confusion over the fate of William, but the series still feels overtly opaque in terms of its narrative (at least at times.) I wish had Maeve's ability to detect hosts and more importantly whom is inhabiting the shells. :) - Walter.
  10. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    Agreed. I couldn't remember precisely, but I thought that Dolores was the host controlling a version of The Man In Black. I wrote one thing in my last post that I am having second thoughts about. Was the real, i.e. human William actually killed or just captured? I don't recall. Completely...
  11. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    S04E01 - The Auguries. First things first; the term auguries is a reference to the William Blake poem Auguries of Innocence and refers to signs or omens. How perfect to have a William Blake reference in the first episode. As is typically the case for this series the production design is...
  12. Walter Kittel

    HBO Max Westworld Season 4

    I am definitely looking forward to season four. To be honest, I have forgotten some aspects of season three, but I expect them to come flooding back when I begin viewing the new season (and what I assume will be a recap of sorts.) - Walter.