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  1. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    I'm not trying to be an antagonist but I don't understand your solution to this. A mass boycot is the only thing that would end ads and that isn't going to happen. People can sign every petition in the world but until they stop going in HUGE numbers (millions of regular people- not just people...
  2. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    Not in my area (at least I assume that something would be posted at the theater talking about a curfew, if that was the case).
  3. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    It's the theater chains that sell the ad time and not the studios.
  4. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    Shouldn't be too hard to find people fitting that description on the internet. :) On a more serious note, how exactly would you try to convince theater chains to drop a huge stream of their revenue by getting rid of commercials? I don't ask to be a jerk but it's really what the issue boils...
  5. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    Yeah but they make even more money by selling ad time. Now that they've opened Pandora's Box and started making money on selling ads, they're never going to stop doing it.
  6. TravisR

    Ads before the film?

    For me, at least the trailer might be something that I'll be interested in. I've never went out and bought a Saturn because I saw a commercial at the movie theater. :) The only way to ever get rid of the ads before movies is to pay the theaters more money than they're getting from...