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  1. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    And while I enjoyed the movie, it wasn't exactly a big hit so some reviewers might have skipped it in lieu of a bigger title to review.
  2. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    LOTR was shot Super 35 so there was information on the top and bottom of the frame in the full frame version that you can't see in the widescreen version. Although that information wasn't really meant to be seen and, of course, you lose the intended information on the left and the right. I'm...
  3. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    Personally, I think part of it is the gossip rag coverage of Colin Ferrel or Angelina Jolie. People just get sick of hearing about them and being told to be interested in them and their lives. I usually enjoy Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise but I cringe everytime I hear their names mentioned now thanks...
  4. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    I repeat, BOTH versions are available so no one should be whining no matter what they think about it. And I think the point was that GLAAD hasn't seen the new cut of the movie yet. At least when they do, their opinion will have some meaning. If they don't like what the re-edit does, that's...
  5. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    Yup and the original cut will be available as well, if someone doesn't like the re-edit.
  6. TravisR

    Oliver Stone's Alexander August 2

    Yeah, all three people on this planet that fall into that category. :rolleyes:They are probably releasing it just so both versions are available. If Stone was as 'spineless' as you suggest, there wouldn't be a theatrical cut on DVD at all.