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  1. Travis D

    Why DVDs are thriving while CDs tank

    You know, it would be really sad if this turned into a really lame internet flame war. It really would. I would advise against anyone posting illegal activities because not only will Jeff jump all over ya (for good reasons usually), but it also could jepordize this thread (which I really...
  2. Travis D

    Why DVDs are thriving while CDs tank

    I've also been pondering this little thought as far as advertising is concerned. "At what point do I decide to buy an album?" I asked myself this, because I see ad prints, billboards, and even tv commercials promoting an album. I have never been swayed into buying an album this way. Have any of...
  3. Travis D

    Why DVDs are thriving while CDs tank

    Charging 1 dollar a song is ludacris if they want to make an impact with kiosks. There are several guys at my school who burn CD's illegally so I don't agree with them at all, but it is interesting to see the progress of an actual buisness model forming in the school. 1999 - The first guy at...