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  1. Tommy G

    Sarah McLachlan "Afterglow" DVD November 23rd

    I'll be putting the whole dvd on cd so you might want to do that as well. I got to talk to her at a bar when she was promoting Touch. I never thought of her as a beauty but not bad to look at. It was her voice that hypnotized me.:eek:
  2. Tommy G

    Sarah McLachlan "Afterglow" DVD November 23rd

    You're correct about the sound Matt. I have the Mirrorball DVD as well and this one blows it away. Not to mention the fact that she is so much better to look at here. I didn't really go for that short cut she was wearing back during the Mirrorball tour.
  3. Tommy G

    Sarah McLachlan "Afterglow" DVD November 23rd

    I just got back from Best Buy and it is indeed anamorphic widescreen! I am getting those goosebumps on the back of my neck again from that angelic voice. My disc skips on fallen though so back to Best Buy to exchange. :frowning:
  4. Tommy G

    Sarah McLachlan "Afterglow" DVD November 23rd

    Can't wait for tomorrow. Has anything been confirmed with regards to the video? Is it indeed 16X9?