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  1. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    New Directors/New Films at Lincoln Center and MOMA The schedule is up: Tickets went on sale at 11 AM Friday, I already bought mine... The bad news is is they compressed it from 17 into 12 days, which means I'll have to miss a couple of...
  2. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    I agree wholeheartedly. In my case I was altogether too familiar with the subject, but for someone who isn't this should be fascinating stuff. The one piece of new info I gleaned, was that the song More, More, More was performed by a porno star. An interesting article on one of the subjects...
  3. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    Great review of Head-On (Gegen die Wand) Michael! (Just one small correction: the Bosphorus is a strait (which runs through Istanbul), not a river.) I just saw it and loved it -- an amazing film. And you have correctly identified the main reason -- for a suicidal pair the film's protagonists...
  4. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    Bingo. That's exactly it -- they can do it, because the films have no hope of "mainstream" distribution. If Indian cinema were to suddenly arouse the interest of someone like Miramax, that would be it. Keep in mind also that a company like Miramax, will buy the rights to far more films than they...
  5. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    They could, and indeed they do at least in the context of narrowly themed festivals in New York. The main problem is that with many potentially successful films, the producers are holding out for the upfront money that only a real distributor could produce. By the time they finally give up, it...
  6. Ted Todorov

    2005 Foreign, Alternative and Independent Films

    Downfall is a first rate, gripping piece of filmmaking with a number of outstanding performances, certainly including Bruno Ganz, who has now played both an angel and the devil and found both to be human. It in large part based on the 2002 documentary Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary. I would...