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  1. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Dave: That's just cause you're more of a computer geek than me! :P Yes, the first 2 eps. of Buffy S2 seem to be improving. I hope they stay good....looking forward to watching more soon! I see Alias S3 is out tomarrow...along with Angel S4. Sigh...if only I had all the money to buy...
  2. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Nonono...I guess I wasn't clear enough. I meant I just collect them that way, I don't actually watch them when I pick them up but if I pick up S7, S6 as I'm like picking up S2 and S3, as I'm watching the time I finish S4 I've only got S5 to buy and the rest is already there for me so I...
  3. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    OK....Well...being the compleatist I am I will watch all of Buffy. (I pre-ordered S7 so I can work backward and forward at once, I find this is the best strategy to working through a long series that I"m behind on.) Then I'll move on to Angel...or 1/1 during the 4th season start switching? I...
  4. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Hrm....Lots of info about "The Pack". Yes, as Dave said, I did watch it last night. I found it to be my favorite so far actually. The scene with Xander and Willow was classic, I had to restrain myself from yelling "Jerk!" at the screen in my best high school girl voice. hehe.... And yes, the...
  5. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Well, since I actually skipped watching "The Pack". I'm at work now and I'm thinking of sitting down to watch it before the night is over. I can't go on without having seen all the episodes. At the time I saw the Eps. 'Angel' and knew it would have story arc. I couldn't help but skip ahead to...
  6. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Sounds good....I'll watch through S2. I don't mind the story right now, I keep getting the sense you guys think I don't like it, it's's just not earth shattering like I thought it was 'supposed' to be. I'll wait longer though and see what happens... As for Smallville....? Well, I've...
  7. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    I have to chime in and agree that I actually did enjoy Hellmouth and such...but I just didn't get smacked in the face that it was 'that' great like everyone was saying it is. I do enjoy it plenty though and will keep watching it. Thanks for the imput! All comments are welcome, I'll keep...
  8. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better! I assume it's a lot like Babylon 5 in the 'rippling effects' sort of way? Good to know! :) Stacey
  9. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Alright.....:) I'll take your word for it and stick with it. I was just making sure before I continued....maybe it's Alias I should consider dropping? I'm giong to try and catch up before S4 starts playing on tv again so I can guage weather I should stick it out or just sell S1-3...hehe...
  10. Stacey_B

    Buffy S1, Please tell me it gets better!

    Hey, Ok, I heard all the rave reviews about Buffy and finally, I broke down and bought seasons 1 and 2. I'm currently on the last disk of S1 and so far, I'm not impressed! I mean, I like corny horror and all, but that's all the show has to offer so far! Beyond alright characterizations...