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  1. Sam Favate

    Return of the Jedi (1983)

    But why? Wouldn't the Siths be stronger with an army, like the Jedi have? I always found the "only two" rule to be a step too far. It isn't plausible and destroys my suspension of disbelief. And anyway, this is contradicted by Vader's chat with the Emperor in ESB: Vader says "If he could be...
  2. Sam Favate

    Return of the Jedi (1983)

    When the kids and I watched Return of the Jedi as part of our 12 Days of Star Wars, I liked it even less this time than before. It's a massive failure. The tone is all wrong, and everything is played for laughs. The creatures on Jabba's barge and in his court act like Muppets, with the jumping...