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  1. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

  2. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    I admit it: I am in love with Jim_K's list! I would marry it, but I'm already married! Jim_K
  3. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Unbelievably close for me. Very difficult choice. I guess I will give the nod to Nick, but it doesn't get any closer.
  4. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Jim K, easily.
  5. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Erik in a very close call.
  6. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Two pretty good lists, but gotta go with Nick.
  7. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Jim K (easily) Ric Bagoly (close)
  8. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Yes, vague at best. Especially when saying "this matchup will remain open until 7:15am EST for somebody else to vote". Well, if both votes came in before 7:15am, I can certainly understand why there would be some contoversy. Yet, I can also see an argument that Sudden Death was "implied".
  9. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    If there was a rule in place saying that if there were a tie at the end of the time limit, and that tie would be broken by sudden death there is absolutely nothing unfair about it. Period. If the rule wasn't followed, that would be unfair. The fact that someone else voted after the match...
  10. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Erik G.
  11. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Have a Cigar - Pink Floyd Put's Weinberg over the edge.
  12. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    I'll go with Ric in a very close one, despite the choices of Smells Like Nirvana and Unclefucka.
  13. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

  14. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Toughest matchup yet. I give the slight edge to Nick. Hey Jan, did you catch Steely Dan at the Pacific Amphitheater a few weeks ago? I was 10th row center! :D
  15. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

  16. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Definitely have to abstain here, as I haven't heard nearly enough songs on either list to make an informed decision.
  17. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

  18. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    George in a very unenthusiastic vote as I don't care for either list. The only song on Andy's list I care for is "The One I Love" by REM...though I must admit I haven't heard many of the songs on his list. I must have missed something. Why is there only one Beatles song on George's list...
  19. Rob Tomlin

    Directors Music Draft: Songs

    Wow! I just checked in here for the first time. I can't believe how similar Dome's taste in music is to mine! Life's Been Good is one of my all time favorite songs! :emoji_thumbsup: Dome