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  1. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    I was disappointed that so many of the teachers and supporting students at the school got short shrifted. McGonagall only had about three scenes and Hagrid had only the scene with Aragog & Slughorn. Kinda funny since in the last movie, the kids were morning the disappearance of Hagrid, and here...
  2. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    Thanks, Adam, for the thoughtful replies. I guess with the horcruxes, the movie Harry seems to be more in over his head than in the book, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The movies will just need to explain more the next go around. Specifically, I believe the books explained a few more...
  3. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    Here's how the book handled Snape, but none of it's in the movies. Snape was a Death Eater, siding with Voldemort back in the day. One day in some dark tavern, Trelawney tells the prophecy to Dumbledore that the Chosen One will vanquish the Dark Lord. Snape overhears this and relays this info to...
  4. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    He took his name after his muggle father, while his mother, a pure-blood, was named Eileen Prince.
  5. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    I saw this earlier today. It's quite good, but it's not quite my favorite of the series. I still like Goblet of Fire & Prisoner of Azkaban better. I think the ending was a tad weak. It was missing a few key moments from the book. Notably in the book, Harry is petrified during the...
  6. Ray H

    *** Official "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" Discussion Thread

    Here's CHUD's review and it's glowing as well. Sounds fantastic and I certainly hope it is. While I thought OOTP was okay, I've never cared to watch it again since it hit theaters despite owning...