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  1. Randy Korstick

    Moon Knight (Disney+)

    I was looking forward to this series alot but was disappointed. I liked it but it was ultimately just OK. I find it ironic that Disney plus recommends watching the Eternals after watching this show. I find it a fair comparison. Eternals was just OK as well. Not bad, Not good just OK.
  2. Randy Korstick

    Moon Knight (Disney+)

    I always scratch my head at the season 8 got comments. Yes it was 6 episodes so it was shorter but two of those episodes were very long and when the 2nd episode is dedicated to everyone sitting around a fire, getting drunk and talking nonsense in other words a complete filler episode. I thought...
  3. Randy Korstick

    Moon Knight (Disney+)

    It came from a site What's new on Disney plus that keeps track of everything coming on monthly calendars. I'm assuming they got the info directly from a Disney press release. Many of the movies and shows have differed from the comics. Some more than others.
  4. Randy Korstick

    Moon Knight (Disney+)

    Here is a synopsis of the series: The series follows Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, who becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life. Steven discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc’s enemies...
  5. Randy Korstick

    Moon Knight (Disney+)

    Sounds like Amazon Prime day.