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    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    My copy arrived Saturday morning. It is much darker than the UK Lionsgate bluray. I was comparing them going back and forth last night. Not Blueish either like the UK disc. But darker. Why Darker ? The trailer is the UK Dracula one, it has Green spots all through it. ? Oh well, what are you...

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    So this is the UK version that I have from Lionsgate titled Dracula ? With a New Remaster. Why are they calling it Horror of Dracula then ??? I was hoping for the Horror title, just to have both versions on Bluray, the UK and US. The UK bluray has No trailer. WB should have released both...