Search results

  1. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    And once again I garner the "middle of the pack" award. It isn't easy to come in exactly ninth! I'll be back in February to defend my title. :laugh: :laugh:
  2. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Why are the Freakin' Florida Freakazoids still in the competition?!? I am rooting very hard for these no-class people to lose. Of course, that means they'll win it all. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
  3. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    The demise of the Paolos really upsets the applecart. Interesting race!
  4. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    To add more to the mix: If the Bransen Family leaves next week and the Paolos don't win it all, then Patrick and I would have the same number of points, wouldn't we? That would really shake up the AL race. In the words of Yogi ;) Too bad my #1 team's mom couldn't find a red bean in the...
  5. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Three families gone and nobody has four teams left. Interesting contest.
  6. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Not a problem, Daniel. That's one of the reasons that "sticky" messaging was created. We don't like to overdo it, but this is one of those cases where the application seems to fit the need. Keep up the good work.
  7. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Daniel, For the convienience of yourself and the players involved I'm "sticking" the Challenge Threads (TAR and Survivor) at the top of this section since they involve on-going competition and sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Once each series ends I'll unstick them and let gravity take...
  8. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    The only problem I have with that is that once the first episode is shown we get a better idea regarding the strengths and weaknesses of teams involved. To me that's a huge advantage for a late entrant and not something that can be compensated for by allowing something like one fewer pick. It's...
  9. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Hell, I'll even throw in Johnny Fairplay if you want, Brad! :laugh: :laugh: I find it interesting that some of the teams that appear to be stronger (at least after Week #1) weren't chosen at all. People should have heeded Joseph S's advice and picked some of the leftovers. We old farts...
  10. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    I assume that nominations are now closed, Daniel, and that all non-picked teams become non-entities for purposes of the contest?
  11. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    C'mon gang. Spots still left to be filled before tonight's premiere. Show time! (P.S. Daniel: I'm making this a "hot" topic and sticking it at the top of the section until all places are filled. Then it's back to normal, o.k.?)
  12. RAF

    The Amazing Race 8 HTF Challenge

    Gaghan Family - American League Final Four: Linz Aiello Paolo