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  1. Peter M Fitzgerald

    More MGM Midnite Movies in March!

    Oops, my bad. I forgot WHEN A STRANGER CALLS already got a release (the late 1970s/early 1980s phone-related slasher flicks blur together in my mind). Sorry Rex. True, Bill McA. I was using IMDB to help me be fairly complete with the genre stuff I haven't seen yet, saw Sutton Roley credited...
  2. Peter M Fitzgerald

    More MGM Midnite Movies in March!

    Here's a whole bunch of "Midnite Movie"-type films Columbia likely still controls, including pretty much all their sci-fi/horror films from 1930-1980 not already on R1 DVD: NIGHT OF TERROR (1933, Bela Lugosi) THE BLACK ROOM (1935, Boris Karloff) BEFORE I HANG (1940, Boris Karloff) THE MAN...
  3. Peter M Fitzgerald

    More MGM Midnite Movies in March!

    Woo hoo!!! PANIC IN YEAR ZERO/LAST MAN ON EARTH will be mine (if they're in their proper OAR, that is)! :D :emoji_thumbsup: :emoji_thumbsup: :emoji_thumbsup: I'll probably pick up VOODOO ISLAND/FOUR SKULL OF JONATHAN DRAKE, too, though VOODOO ISLAND isn't really any great shakes (don't let...