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  1. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    $8 for Action Comics #1000!!!! #SMH
  2. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Wonder if Man of Steel 2 will feature the red trunks...
  3. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    After almost 2 years, I'm down to probably a handful of titles (Batgirl, Earth-2, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, World's Finest), and that's getting chopped down when James Robinson's run on Earth-2 is done soon. I quit Green Lantern when Johns left last month. Quit the Flash because it was simply...
  4. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    If I pick up Marvel comics nowadays, it's in the $0.50 bins at local quarterly comic shows these days.
  5. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I actually asked Stan Sakai at SD Comicon last July about Usagi, and he also stated that he was taking a hiatus on the title to work on 47 Ronin, but that link explains it quite well, too.
  6. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I remember Saga 1 going for $15 the first week of release in some parts. My LCS didn't order too many shelf copies, and by the time my curiosity was piqued, it was on #3 or #4, and I decided to just trade-wait (and I'm not much of a trade-waiter, but for titles without long runs like established...
  7. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I've had to keep a list in my "smart" phone so I don't robo-buy some of the New52 DC titles I finally kicked to the curb. I think I'm still getting Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Earth 2, World's Finest, Red Hood. I'm backlogged on Buffy and Angel/Faith for now, but...
  8. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I keep meaning to check out the Saga via TPB since the early issues were hard to find from the get-go.
  9. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    My enthusiasm for DC's New52 has pretty much waned, probably only pick up about 8-10 monthly DC titles nowadays, and looking to make more cuts. I have been enjoying the new relauch for Valiant, been reading X-O, Harbinger, and Bloodshot. Haven't decided if I want to delve back into Archer and...
  10. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I couldn't believe it when I was saw Optic Nerve 12 on the shelf today. I also picked up more DCnU books than I had planned on picking up, and I still need to track down Animal Man 1, which has garnered some good reviews. Not that I'll stick with all the DCnU titles, but I picked up some...
  11. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I wasn't impressed with at least a 1/3 of what I saw in the DCnU preview book, and I suspect no more than 10-15 will be "good" books from the get-go, but I know they'll have another 20-30 other titles on the bench ready to fill-in for a faltering book or ten.
  12. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I have stockpiled the 3 issues so far from the latest Criminal run, but I hope to get to them soon. I have enjoyed the past Criminal mini's, so glad to hear the latest one is good. I'm just trying to figure out how many of the DCnU titles I'm going to try out in September, perhaps 10 of them...
  13. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Hasn't Millar gotten too big to be working for Marvel nowadays? I read that he's not really writing much of the Marvel crossover events books anymore, rather pursuing creator-owned projects.
  14. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I may check out the new titles on a creative-team-basis, and go from there, but I'm not all that optimistic my interest levels will remain high enough to stick around.
  15. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I might finally be able to kick the DC habit come September.
  16. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    RIP, Dwayne McDuffie.
  17. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Man, if I'm a comic book character, I don't want to see Steve Epting coming onboard for the art chores, he's becoming the artist of death!
  18. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Anyone care about so-and-so dying in the Fantastic Four this week?
  19. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Don't judge a book by its cover. That being said, I'm more upset about Jimmy Olsen using a kit lens for his photography, he needs a much faster lens.
  20. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    While I still get a bunch of DC titles (mainly the $2.99 titles, with just 2 of the $3.99 titles), I'm glad DC held the line at $2.99 (even with the drop in page-count) because I only buy 2 Marvel titles that are $2.99 and won't buy any of their $3.99 titles, no matter who's writing/drawing that...
  21. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    DC is getting rid of the backup stories in their $3.99 titles, lowering the price back to $2.99, but along with the other $2.99 titles, the page-count is reduced from 22 pages to 20 pages for all the $2.99 titles starting in January 2011 (the new Previews showed the new DC line-up with the...
  22. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Who said Death doesn't sell?
  23. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    This year's Heroes Con is coming up this weekend (June 4th-6th, 2010) in Charlotte, NC at the Convention Center. Here's their main link: This is the guest list link: It's a huge guest list once again...
  24. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I think I might try and see if I can catch up with "The Boys" in TPB form.
  25. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    If things go the way of online comics, I'm out of the hobby, moving on to something else, I suppose.
  26. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Edward James Olmos was charging $50/autograph at Dragon Con last year as well, and he was getting plenty of business, so it's what the market will bear, I suppose. Thankfully I'm not into paying to get stuff signed (except I do have one photo I want Nathan Fillion to sign for me, but that's...
  27. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    Is there a place in the marketplace for oversized weekly comics? : DC Comics' FULL July 2009 Solicitations [Preview]
  28. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I'm dropping most titles that are going up to $3.99, and then picking them up in the dollar bins if I still want them later. I'm guessing that'll shave off about 5-10 monthly titles in the coming months.
  29. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I pretty much get anything that Brubacker and Philips do in comics these days, they haven't let me down (much), especially compared to some of the stuff the Big 2 are slinging out the doors these days.
  30. Patrick Sun

    Comics: The Weekly Rundown (was Heroes Con 2006)

    I finally read both issues of Incognito, and it's not bad. It plays with the differences in masked personas and how people reacted to "normal" and "out of the ordinary" personas.