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  1. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    Oh and that Comb-over!
  2. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    Seriously I think the main problem with these shows if they are too short for the subject they are doing. I liken Bullshit! a little to South Park, never seen that on TV before! I am of course referring to uncensored unobscured genital waxing. OW. I thought there was something fishy...
  3. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    Well that certainly was interesting. I had heard about the church fudging their own rules in an effort to fast track Agnes for sainthood. But it certainly puts a different spin on the images you have of those characters.
  4. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    Well there were "experts" for both sides but neither of them were giving hard numbers. However I was interested in the marrying for love aspect and would have liked to hear some more about that.
  5. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    polygraph testing would be my suggestion.
  6. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    oh and I was a little surprised to see Ron Jeremy on the show again, they did rubbish a product he was selling last season. But I guess he gets paid either way.
  7. Nigel McN

    Penn and Teller: Bulls***! Season Three

    Yeah, I was miffed that they didn't tell us their decision but I think it was perhaps related to the idea of making a decision about the child without the child giving permission, publicly informing the world of whether you are snipped or not. Just a reason that popped into my head.