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  1. Morgan Jolley

    24 Season Finale

    I thought the first 13 or so were the best of the series. When more than half of a series like this (where each episode is THAT dependent on the previous one and takes place chronologically) 13 GREAT episodes and 11 good ones is excellent. Can't wait for the DVD!!! I wonder if we should try...
  2. Morgan Jolley

    24 Season Finale

    Oh wow, I just remembered (because of someone else's post) that Teri was pregnant...that gives a little more impact to the ending. Damn. If the next season's story is good enough to make top brass keep the format, then bring it on! (I wish 24's seasons would air as frequently as Survivor's do)
  3. Morgan Jolley

    24 Season Finale

    What was really amazing about the ending is that it tied up all the loose ends, explained things from the beginning of the series (like Jamie's death), and it left a way for them to continue the same storyline for the next season.