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  1. MikeRS

    Mabye some good news for Hobbits!!

    About THE HOBBIT..... One of things that makes the lighter tone of the novel quite effective is that it all ends up playing as a striking contrast with the strong emotionality of the final chapters. The BATTLE OF FIVE ARMIES and it's aftermath are written in an epic, melancholic, even somber...
  2. MikeRS

    Mabye some good news for Hobbits!!

    THE HOBBIT was written as children's book (for his own kids, to be exact. :) ) You definitely can't say that about LOTR - although Tolkien did begin writing it that way. However, once he "discovered" the hook to his hobbit sequel (BILBO'S RING IS THE ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL!), he would spend...