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  1. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    I made a reference to that. I concur, a LOT of it is class based! How is it POSSIBLE that this many Americans could understand the subtle nuances of British culture? I don't find it possible. A lot of what I hate about British Comedy is what I hate about Anime, the elitism of the people that...
  2. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    Can you name one example of anything recently? Aside from the fact that you named movies, not wildly popular stand up comedians. Everyone is refering to the subtlety of British Humor, but everything that people have broad up is nothing but broadly painted slapstick. Also- I hate Mr...
  3. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    I meant the movies. I've watched multiple episodes of the TV show (Is 10 enough to declare a hatred?), as well as the Life of Brian and Monty Python and the holy grail. I hate Fawlty Towers, as well as upstairs downstairs (Is that even a comedy? What is it?), etc. etc. I dont need to relist...
  4. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    I suppose it depends on what you think of as subtle and in your face. What's subtle about patsy's wanton drunkeness in absolutely fabulous? Or about ANY of the skits in Monty Python, or about the wanton sex talk in coupling? Furthermore I'm not really sure that American Sitcoms are the best...
  5. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    I cant BELIEVE Im the only person that hates British Comedy. Well...this forum DOES skew towards the nerdy ;)
  6. MattBu

    I hate British Comedy

    Am I the only one that is completely lost while watching the comedy? I understand what's supposed to be funny, I just don't find it funny whatsoever. Not one thing. I hate the Monty Python TV show as well as the skits, I REALLY hate Absolutely Fabulous, Men Behaving Badly, etc. etc. I REALLY...