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  1. Matt Hough

    The year is almost a third over and what has Warner given us?

    I would be very happy if this comes to pass.
  2. Matt Hough

    The year is almost a third over and what has Warner given us?

    Oh, I'll be sure to buy it. Those turquoise petticoats that Ann Miller and Debbie Reynolds sport in the finale are certain to be eye-popping in high def. :)
  3. Matt Hough

    The year is almost a third over and what has Warner given us?

    And Love Me or Leave Me, The Band Wagon, The Harvey Girls, Les Girls, and on and on and on....
  4. Matt Hough

    The year is almost a third over and what has Warner given us?

    That's as good a guess as any (Hit the Deck), and while it's a fluffy, entertaining Cinemascope musical, I sure can think of a dozen others I'd rather have.