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  1. Mark-W

    Blu-ray Review Moonlight Blu-ray Review

    It sounds like you're looking for an end when that is not what this film is about. To quote the New York Time's Review of the film To describe “Moonlight,” Barry Jenkins’s second feature, as a movie about growing up poor, black and gay would be accurate enough. It would also not be wrong to...
  2. Mark-W

    Blu-ray Review Moonlight Blu-ray Review

    Just as a follow up here, Barry Jenkins and the playwright both say this is their very personal story. It was "deeply personal" to both of them, both from the neighborhood in the film, both with crack-addicted mothers.
  3. Mark-W

    Blu-ray Review Moonlight Blu-ray Review

    I have never been so happy to be wrong. I haven't agreed with the MPAA's choices for Best Picture in years, but I actually teared up tonight when it happened.
  4. Mark-W

    Blu-ray Review Moonlight Blu-ray Review

    Thanks for the excellent review, Matt. I look forward to the commentary track. The only place we disagree is that I would give this film that rare 5 out of 5 stars for the film.
  5. Mark-W

    Blu-ray Review Moonlight Blu-ray Review

    The surest sign Moonlight won't win, is that it is the best film this year.