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  1. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    I remember really enjoying that when it played on TV back in the 80's .You could tune into regular TV channels back then and see things like Hey Abbott, and the Youngson Laurel And Hardy films . Sadly documentaries like Rascal Dazzle and the other ones I mentioned have pretty much disappeared...
  2. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    There's also a Pete The Pup volume . All feature black and white options for the films that are colorized , and the quality is pretty good . I look at these releases as being supplemental to the RHI Box Set. I read somewhere that Legend was releasing a box set . I can't find any info on it ...
  3. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    Amazing how something that should be simple turns into a complex endeavor . What was available on the original box set ( which luckily I have ) should all be available on the new individual releases only in improved quality /completeness. (Operative word :SHOULD!)
  4. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    I'm pretty sure that Legend Films recently issued a box set with a number of Little Rascals shorts , both Colorized and black and white . I'll see if I can track down more info.
  5. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    And I would guess the same goes for Stan and Ollie . Incidentally , I took your advice , and passed on the VCI BD of Flying Deuces , opting for the new British release . I'm still waiting for it to arrive . Having been "burned " on the colorized version a while back , I made sure I got the right...
  6. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    Hi Tony , Generally speaking , I agree with you on the DVD vs. Blu-ray issue, although many would argue with us about that. I just haven't been convinced that BDs of older titles look all that much better , and I don't want to replace my DVD collection, which cost so much to build . In the case...
  7. LouA

    Our Gang Collection, 80 shorts, Oct. 28

    I bought the original box set . I haven't bought the corrected individual volumes even though they are very inexpensive, because I'm hoping we might get a Blu-ray release of the corrected versions of these shorts in the future .