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  1. Jonny_L

    The Incredibles 2-Disc Collector's Edition: Easter 2005!

    Their animation is great but not what blows me away. To me they could make their movies in crayon and they would be just as enjoyable. What makes me take a step back is Pixar's outstanding storytelling. Literally every movie theyve made has been enjoyable. Thats amazing. They seem to have what...
  2. Jonny_L

    The Incredibles 2-Disc Collector's Edition: Easter 2005!

    Even though I didnt allude to it, I try to do the same. However, I generally prefer the way it was exhibited in theaters when I watch, and judging from what I saw when I did, we should get a flawless panarama in beautiful animorphic widescreen with all the goodies that go with it.
  3. Jonny_L

    The Incredibles 2-Disc Collector's Edition: Easter 2005!

    I hope they release 2 versions. They will likely make a foolscreen version and I'm hoping that will be a separate release so they can pack more hardcore goodies onto the discs.