Search results

  1. John Sparks

    What's your go-to snack and beverage for your blu-ray?

    For my HT, no beverages other than water. My son tried the alcohol route and fell asleep...spilled it on himself but not on the carpet or chair...lucky him!. Me, only water. even though the carpet/patting is 10 years old, not good to spill something on it. Candy is okay. The next day I use a...
  2. John Sparks

    What's your go-to snack and beverage for your blu-ray?

    No, not even during our 100 + degree weather! I want to enjoy the movie "clear headed!"
  3. John Sparks

    What's your go-to snack and beverage for your blu-ray?

    Some type of snack and always a carbonated alcohol. And have yet to taste DFurr's popcorn.