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  1. John Royster

    Bose wins again!!!

    Don't worry about it too much guys... We know what the real deal is. Too bad most folks don't. It is very similar to Ketel One and Grey Goose vodka. Piss poor vodka with a heck of a lot of packaging and on-premise marketing coupled with a premium price. Battle in the consumers mind is...
  2. John Royster

    Bose wins again!!!

    PS - pricing goods higher than your competetion is actually one way to increase sales depending on your product and consumers.
  3. John Royster

    Bose wins again!!!

    Yes, Bose has won the mind of the consumer. That is a very nice place to be. I tend to keep my mouth shut about bose unless directly asked about it...otherwise I get bombarded by a gang telling me I'm full of it and that bose is the best...that there is nother better.