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  1. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    There's a relevant phrase involving the colors of a pot and a kettle. Still, the idea that I'm out to "systematically debase everything that predates the year 2000" is just patently absurd. I simply believe than each generation has greater potential than the one before, since it has had the...
  2. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    I... I don't know how to respond to this. Do you seriously think that not releasing old TV shows, which have consistently sold less than more contemporary material, is going to drive the studios out of business? Is this wishful thinking or delusion?
  3. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    Sure, I'd like it if Heroes laid off the filters a little. But I'll take the longer shots (both because of widescreen and better reception) and mobile cameras over the static compositions and endless close-ups that defined TV in the old days without any regret.
  4. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    --sigh-- This has gotten waaay off-topic, hasn't it? The thing is, the old stuff being referred to isn't the world the way "we" wish it existed - it's often a whitewashed vision that lacks the narrative and societal complexity that we take for granted in modern shows. As much as the usual...
  5. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    No, it goes to show that they are not marketing to you, specifically. It's very important to remember that You Are Not A Representative Sample, and that just because you and some people you know/talk to want something doesn't mean you can extrapolate a huge, untapped demand.
  6. Jason Seaver

    Would you rather see new shows or older ones released on DVD?

    I would like to see the subset of shows described as "Jason Seaver's personal favorites". Good ones, regardless of age. So, I would like VR.5 *and* Batman. :) Okay, while we're bringing crappy attitudes out, I'd like to see the end of people thinking "classic" is a synonym for "old".