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  1. Jason Seaver

    ENTERPRISE 04/09/'03: "Judgement"

    Different audiences. While TOS looked neat and futuristic in 1966, it looks quaint now. Come out with new Star Trek that's supposed to be set in the future today, with big knobs, manual dials, and garish color schemes, and it will look campy. The 15-30 year old audience UPN is trying to...
  2. Jason Seaver

    ENTERPRISE 04/09/'03: "Judgement"

    "Trials And Tribble-ations" was fine for one week where the point was nostalgia, but I'm not sure that sort of look would fly for a show that was supposed to last five years plus.
  3. Jason Seaver

    ENTERPRISE 04/09/'03: "Judgement"

    Scope. That's what this episode needs. And I don't mean that in terms of needing something to wash a bad taste out of my mouth; I'm just saying that everything in this episode seems smaller than it should be. It feels like the second episode in a story arc, but the entire first episode is...