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  1. Jack Briggs

    ENTERPRISE 02/05/'03: "Stigma"

    Agreed. Off-topic, but I am always pleased when I see someone properly use the word "media" as a plural. What Keating (and most others at Paramount) are failing to realize is that TNG, DS9, and Voyager addressed current issues with varying degrees of success throughout each of their runs...
  2. Jack Briggs

    ENTERPRISE 02/05/'03: "Stigma"

    Yes, the point being: When Trek goes out of its way to give us such an overt morality play, it grounds its story so obviously in current events. No trusting the viewers' intelligence; browbeating them instead. Also, remember TNG's "The Outcast"? (Well, of course you do.)
  3. Jack Briggs

    ENTERPRISE 02/05/'03: "Stigma"

    And the part where Frank Gorshin expressed his hatred of people who are black and white on the opposite sides, and the part where, and, and...
  4. Jack Briggs

    ENTERPRISE 02/05/'03: "Stigma"

    The answer, Dave, is because B&B are rooted in the present and do not possess a "science-fictional" way or ability of seeing things or of telling stories. This thing will be a generic 1980s-2000s parable told with SF trappings. From the beginning, specifically with Brannon Braga, it has been...
  5. Jack Briggs

    ENTERPRISE 02/05/'03: "Stigma"

    *heart races* I really love these original science fiction-oriented plots. Puts Heinlein, Simak, Sturgeon, and all those others to shame. Whatever. It's best to reserve judgment in most cases, but Rick Berman and Brannon Braga are special.