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  1. Hunter P

    Movies set in the near future which is now the past in real life.

    This reminds me of Starship Troopers. Technology advanced enough for interplanetary travel but their primary method of combat was still machine guns? Why bother landing troops on the bugs' planet? Just nuke it to hell!!!:emoji_thumbsup:
  2. Hunter P

    Movies set in the near future which is now the past in real life.

    In what year was Robocop set? As for my general question, I especially want to see movies that envisioned what the near future would be like so that I can guffaw at how off they are. Especially when it comes to gadgets and technology. And to flip the topic, I wonder if there were any...
  3. Hunter P

    Movies set in the near future which is now the past in real life.

    I wanted to revisit some movies which are set in the "future" but the movie is old enough now that the "future" date in the movie has passed in real life. Easy examples: 1984, 2001 and Escape from New York (set in 1997). I get a kick out of watching shows like the old Star Trek shows where...