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  1. Hubert

    Jason X website/trailer now online! Coooool!

    Dwayne, I've been arguing with Sam and RobertR about the same thing. Every Star Wars thread and even threads such as LOTR, they've gone into and hammered SW, or been negative about it. I've been trying to see if they have anything positive to say. I'm actually excited about LOTR and Harry...
  2. Hubert

    Jason X website/trailer now online! Coooool!

    Listen, people in the LOTR thread farted all over it that thing from the beginning. For your information, Gladiator is my favorite pic, not Star Wars. And I gave my opinion on this movie and it's premise, and if I forget, that's what we're here to do. Yes, I think it's utterly stupid. If it...
  3. Hubert

    Jason X website/trailer now online! Coooool!

    I'm not judging it as a film, only the idea. But c'mon. This is what, the 10th film, and there hasn't been a good one yet in my estimation. And yes, I've seen them all. I thought the one where he went to New York was ridiculous. This takes the cake. Ricky, you've got to admit that the movie, and...
  4. Hubert

    Jason X website/trailer now online! Coooool!

    Well, I like cheese as much as anyone. But this is getting a little overboard.
  5. Hubert

    Jason X website/trailer now online! Coooool!

    I must admit. This is about the STUPIDEST, LAMEST, MOST IDIOTIC film that's ever been given the green light. When's the last time one of these movies ever made any money? Maybe I'm off base here. But the person that greenlighted this movie ought to be fired. Anyone ever heard of just letting a...