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  1. Hollywoodaholic

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ My Fair Lady (Take Two) -- in Blu-ray

    Thanks for that info, that must have been where we saw it. A couple things bother me about the movie this time around. I wish they never dubbed Audrey Hepburn; it just would have been more organically real. They didn't dub Rex Harrison or Stanley Holloway, who obviously aren't great natural...
  2. Hollywoodaholic

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ My Fair Lady (Take Two) -- in Blu-ray

    Add me to those regretting missing this in the full theater presentation again. It's a magnificent restoration (thank you again Mr. Harris) and I'm delighted with the blu-ray, but all I could think of at different and glorious moments watching it was how much this film was an EVENT. And to view...