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  1. Derek Miner

    Digital Cinema on 35mm: And you thought Super35 was bad.....

    Has anyone tried to track picture quality to service hours on the projectors? I've noticed some people talk about imaging problems that might be due to convergence issues. Many have also mentioned black level problems. The projectors I saw Episode II on were basically brand-new. They were...
  2. Derek Miner

    Digital Cinema on 35mm: And you thought Super35 was bad.....

    That's a better way of putting it, Seth. However I did use vinyl as part of the analogy because, like film, it is an analog format. But I still think the loss of resolution with the DLP is more distracting than anything I saw in the 35mm presentation.
  3. Derek Miner

    Digital Cinema on 35mm: And you thought Super35 was bad.....

    I have now seen both a 35mm and DLP presentation of Attack of the Clones. I wasn't strongly impressed or bothered by the 35mm version. I did notice a handful of scenes with video noise, most noticeable in dark backgrounds. These artifacts, to me, were quite different from film grain. I did...