Search results

  1. David Norman

    Criterion Press Release: Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films (Blu-ray)

    I have had this conversation with a couple B&N managers -- partially over Criterion Boxsets and even worse $200-300 LP boxsets that I saw but wasn't actually shopping for at all. The wraps are very much store dependent -- 3 of my closest 4 Media store don't use them (2 never have). I saw a...
  2. David Norman

    Criterion Press Release: Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films (Blu-ray)

    Par for the course for all the Criterion $150+ sets -- Bergman, Zatoichi (both versions), Bergman, Olympics, and a number of the $100-125. $`100 for Godzilla, $5 for 1 or 2 Multidisc cases and some custom artwork then I can keep the Book separate. I can't npt get 8 Discs or Godzilla based...
  3. David Norman

    Criterion Press Release: Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films (Blu-ray)

    Coincides right about the start of the B&N Fall Sale - so close to release day price or $100-110 Pick it up in person, no shipping to worry about