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  1. David Coleman

    PHE Press Release: Braveheart * Gladiator * Forrest Gump (Sapphire Series Blu-ray)

    Am I the only one curious as to why Gladiator has a DTSMA track? I'm more inclined to believe this is a request of Ridley Scott than a studio shift in policy. However it is possible that Dreamworks may head that direction separate from Paramount.
  2. David Coleman

    PHE Press Release: Braveheart * Gladiator * Forrest Gump (Sapphire Series Blu-ray)

    Rent the DVD and you'll hear what I mean. You'll put your ear next to your surrounds and you won't hear anything. Still sounds pretty good though.
  3. David Coleman

    PHE Press Release: Braveheart * Gladiator * Forrest Gump (Sapphire Series Blu-ray)

    I'm glad to see these 3 announced and looking forward to their releases though i'll say BRAVEHEART is the only solid "buy" for me. I do find it interesting that GLADIATOR is being released in DTSMA. I think that's more along the request of Ridley Scott moreso than any policy shift over at...