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  1. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    George may say "I told you nobody wanted these" if they don't sell. But, come on, he knows better. That's why he's releasing such a crappy version, to be able to hang on to that argument. He knows that if these were released properly, like we want them, that they would sell a huge amount. And...
  2. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I think you're right on there. Why bother saving them for HD? If this was about money we'd be getting a proper version now and on subsequent formats down the road. Regarding the "fan" versions, I think this will just encourage a LOT of people to download the inevitable torrents of the...
  3. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Regarding all this buy or not to buy chat and the thinking behind it: I love the OOT/OUT/OTT (persoanlly I like Original Theatrical Trilogy best) as much as the next guy and it is definitely more than a movie to me, it's part of my personal history. And I suppose that having a sub-standard...
  4. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Yes, but they release Pan & Scan versions alongside anamorphic Widescreen editions, so you have your choice. With the OOT disc we are not being offered a choice.
  5. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Check out the Amazon review by Billy Cooper. This one thinks anamorphic releases would be cropped to fit 16x9 TVs. LOL!!!
  6. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I realise this but FOX may be inclined to try and sway George a little more if they are being bothered; you never know. Also, it is FOX's name on the package as well and the general public sees that.
  7. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Perhaps a good dose of public shame might make a difference. If it's in a well read publication then it will be in the mainstream media and will most likely take this "buzz" to a whole new level. Lucas may not care but FOX is not going to like being dragged publicly into this unwillingly (and...
  8. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I sent an email to Leonard Maltin the other day basically asking him if he could talk some sense into George Lucas about this whole DVD mess. And I actually got a response! Here it is: "Hi... I wish I had that kind of influence! I'm not crazy about directors tinkering with their films but I...
  9. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    You're right, but I guess I had to get it out of me.
  10. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    For the record here's my response to the PR email I just received from LucasFilm: "In response I can only ask: If LucasFilm does not wish to spend the time and money to PROPERLY release the REAL original trilogy on DVD, why don’t you licence the rights to a company that actually CARES...
  11. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I think someone might have mentioned this before but... If they don't want to spend the effort and money on releasing quality versions why don't they licence the rights to a company like Criterion? I'm sure they'd jump at the chance if it's as easy as getting ahold of some collector prints. I...
  12. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Gotcha. Thanks.
  13. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Don't these two statements contradict each other: 1) "Lucasfilm acknowledges that some imperfections are embedded in the prints, but director of publicity John Singh said the company felt there was little need to invest resources into sprucing up films that have already been restored to...
  14. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    If someone, who can explain it better than I, can email the author of the article with the proper facts I'm sure she'd make the necessary adjustments.
  15. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    From VB article: "The late ’90s theatrical versions represent George’s vision for Star Wars. We hoped that by releasing the original movies as a bonus disc, it would be a way to give the fans something that is fun. We certainly didn’t want to be become a source of frustration for fans."...
  16. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Has anyone been able to get any info from LucasFilm regarding Ron's update above? I have emailed them again (no response yet) and it's a long distance phone call for me. Can you give us some kind of hint Ron? I'm going mental :) BTW thanks for everything you've done so far. Your efforts are...
  17. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Exactly. Do it right or, please, just don't do it at all (IMO).
  18. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I think that JEDI poster is the worst SW poster ever. Solo looks like Dave Coulier or something :) Anyway, the September release covers, while crummy Photoshop creations, are not the issue here. I'd be happy if they released these in blank jewel cases! I think we should try to keep our focus on...
  19. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    This whole thing is just so frustrating. Like so many others I have never been so passionate about a series of films and I doubt I ever will be again. Now, if there is a fancy new HD version in the not so distant future, that's great. But it doesn't do us any good right now. And many people...
  20. Dave - A

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Just thought I'd chime in here since we have the attention of LucasFilm. I was thrilled, to say the least, when the announcement was made two weeks ago. Even though these prized discs were being released as "bonus material" (which really does feel like a slap in the face) and packaged with...