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  1. Dan Rudolph

    The PBS Pledge Drive: Might there be a better way?

    The programming isn't about the P. I believe the citicism of them has been that if they didn't exist, all their programming would be available on basic cable. So they essentially are another basic cable channel now, only they get tax money and broacast.
  2. Dan Rudolph

    The PBS Pledge Drive: Might there be a better way?

    I'd think they could do fine as a basic cable channel. Their budgets are low enough they would quite likely be able to get by on their corporate money and franchise fees.
  3. Dan Rudolph

    The PBS Pledge Drive: Might there be a better way?

    My understanding is that PBS only gets about 10% of their funds from the government now. They could probably survive without it, though they'd certainly feel the blow. I'd say just keep up with what they're doing and if people don't like pledge drives, they can watch normal channels.
  4. Dan Rudolph

    The PBS Pledge Drive: Might there be a better way?

    If commerce means people aren't forced to pay for programming they don't like, I'm all for it.