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  1. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Get a front-projector, and invite a crowd of neighborhood kids and their parents over and have your *own* theater experience...crowds and all. This would make a great movie projected on a white sheet out in the back yard on a nice evening for a neighborhood block party...
  2. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Travis, what's the problem with this: Carlo's description is most accurate. Tolkien worked for years designing, refining, planning, and integrating the most incredibly complex cultural, historical, and mythical creations in his LOTR series. His fictional accounts are indeed "almost without...
  3. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Fascinating how differently so many people feel about this film. I'll just echo what Jason said (which I also mentioned in my review) that I've found most criticisms of the film are actually criticisms of the story itself. While that doesn't mean the movie would be any more enjoyable for...
  4. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Ted, I'm just curious...what other recent Disney live-action DVD titles would you say look subtantially better? (excluding animation...just live-action DVDs)
  5. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Ted, as always thanks for sharing your detailed observations and for elaborating the particulars of your viewing system and seating distance. :emoji_thumbsup: did you see *this film* projected via 35mm? Had I not seen Narnia projected theatrically *twice* in two different venues...
  6. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    I'll update my review with the right run-time. Thanks for that correction! I noticed that deleted scenes which is usually a staple of Disney SE sets. I'll bet, as you say, that's being held for an extended cut...which is fine with me.
  7. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Travis, that's what I meant in my review by "not embossed like LOTR"...should have made it clearer. In any case, it's not the cardboard sleeve that I think it the coolest's the choice of artwork for the disc-package inside it.
  8. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Yes, wasn't that cool? Sort of like when in (the original) Willy Wonka when the kids went into the candy factory room it was literally their *first time* seeing the wonder and thrill you see in their faces during the "Pure Imagination" sequence is for-real. :emoji_thumbsup:
  9. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Tim, thanks for the compliments. BTW, I don't remember *ever* seeing this trailer in 16x9 on any other Disney DVD. At the very least, I know that every trailer that I *did* see of it (on other Disney DVDs) was "video edited" and looked HORRIBLE in progressive-scan playback because of the...
  10. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Brett, totally your call. But IMO having actually *seen* the extras I can assure you I think that the 2-disc set would be well worth getting even if the single disc version was FREE.
  11. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Chris, I know exactly what you mean. My first "we've come a long way baby" epiphany happened when reviewing the Lion King and Aladdin DVDs. Remember how those laserdiscs were *REFERENCE* in every way? Well...the DVDs made the picture of those laserdisc look like a noisy, burrly mess (I got...
  12. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Travis, you know...the lack of trailers completely eluded me when going through the bonus features. You're absolutely right...that would have been nice. But what *really* ticks me off regarding the trailer for this film is that the D*&! preview-trailer that appeared on just about *every*...
  13. DaViD Boulet

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Chronicles of Narnia - THOROUGHLY RECOMMENDED

    The Chronicles of NARNIA The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Studio:Disney Year:2006 RunTime:143 minutes Rating:PG Aspect Ratio:16x9 encoded 2.35:1 (separate single-disc P/S version available…BEWARE!!!)Audio:5.1 DTS, 5.1 DD English, 2.0 DD French & Spanish SpecialFeatures:2 commentary...